Penn College News

Library Articles

Displaying 101 - 104 of 104 results (page 11 of 11)

In The Madigan Library and need help? "We Come To You" is a new service that lets you stay at your computer in the Reference area of the library's first floor while you contact the reference desk for assistance. Send an instant message to PCTLibRef with your computer number and help will come to you!

The "Walk in my Shoes" exhibit at The Madigan Library is over, but the stories that were shared live on in a commemorative book containing the pictures of all the shoes that were collected over a six-month period and the very moving stories that went with them.

A grant from Sovereign Bank will allow Pennsylvania College of Technology to establish two new permanent collections of books and periodicals in the college's Madigan Library. The $5,000 grant, made through the Sovereign Bank Foundation, will support new collections in business and finance and career development.

The American Institute of Architects' Middle Pennsylvania chapter met in Penn College's Professional Development Centeron Friday night, discussing the architectural design of The Madigan Library. Benedict H.