Student Life

With so many ways to get involved in college life, you'll always be a part of something here.
Student Life
Welcome to Wildcat Life

Live where you learn, learn where you live

Student Organizations

Build your skills outside the classroom

Join one of 60+ clubs and organizations, or create your own.

Student Wildcats of Robotic Design (SWORD)
Featured Organization

Student Wildcats of Robotic Design (SWORD)

Join SWORD if you’re into building a vehicle to compete in a Design Series competition. Plus, you'll get lots of networking opportunities with other students and professionals.

Student Engagement

All work, and all play

Make your out-of-class experience just as impactful.

Things to do
Community Arts Center
Featured Activity

Community Arts Center

Stop by our shows and special events, or see a visiting artist.

Wildcat Athletics

We’re ferocious, scrappy, resourceful, and ready—on the field and off. As an NCAA Division III school, we’re all about getting right into the action.

Learn more

Community of Respect

Be the change

You have the ability to make a difference and STAND UP for what is right. One of the four Value Statements at Penn College is Community of Respect: we are committed to diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance, and civility. We recognize that respect and individual differences is the foundation of civil behavior.

During New Student Orientation, you will have the opportunity to take the Penn College Pledge! 

As a contributing member of the Penn College Community:

  • I challenge myself to continually learn and grow
  • I am fair and just in the treatment of others 
  • I take personal responsibility for my choices and actions 
  • I promote the free exchange of ideas and opinions 
  • I promote a community of respect 
  • I hold myself and those around me accountable to this pledge 
Campuses and Centers

Where our ideas take flight

Our cutting-edge facilities are where learning, creating, and innovating happen. We believe providing top-of-the equipment gives you the best pathway for success.

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Make the most of your time here

Health & Wellness

Mind, body, spirit. It's important to take care of them all, and we have the resources to do so.

Safety & Parking

Your safety is our priority. Find out information about Penn College and on-campus parking.

College Store

Browse textbooks, program supplies, Wildcat gear, and more from the College Store

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About Penn College

About Penn College

Our unique, hands-on academic approach has helped students succeed in a wide range of fields for more than 100 years.

About Us