Pillar Society

The Pillar Society recognizes individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to Pennsylvania College of Technology by naming the college or the Penn College Foundation as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift.
Pillar Society


 * Penn College Employee, ** Indicates that member is deceased.

  • Anonymous (4 gifts)
  • Blaise J. Alexander
  • Linda M. & James R. Boose
  • James Sr.** & Cynthia Mengel Bower
  • Robert G. & Nancy C. '81 Bowers
  • John J. ** & Mary Anne L. Cahir
  • Bruce '72 & Marcia Capriotti
  • Jeannette & Charles Carter
  • Dennis L. & Verna J. Correll
  • Donald M. Cunningham
  • Jim Cunningham '73, '96
  • William D.** & Joyce E. Davis
  • Daniel & Mary Doyle
  • Robert E. & Maureen B. Dunham
  • Warren M. & Theresa C. Eshbach
  • William H. & Roberta L. Feddersen
  • Richard L. Fetter '75
  • Thomas M. & Sarah E. Gehret
  • Davie Jane Gilmour*
  • Frederick T. Gilmour '66, '72
  • George Henger '72
  • Dale** '79 & Christina Hoover
  • R. David & Joann Kay
  • Walter** '57 & Brenda Klocko
  • Estate of Steven R. Lechman
  • Darla B. Logue '79
  • David L. '82 & Kathleen A. '94 Maciejewski
  • Edward M. & Sharon G. Madalis
  • William J. & Carolyn G.** Martin
  • Elizabeth L. Meyer
  • Jay & Karen Miller
  • Thomas & Rhonda Miller
  • Jack '74 & Valara J. Minnier
  • Veronica** & William** '64 Muzic
  • John '75 & Lenore Penfield
  • Lorraine L. Poore
  • Charline M. Pulizzi
  • Patricia J. Rambo
  • Bruce A. Richards
  • Dennis & Patricia '91 Ringling
  • Carol A. Savoy '73
  • Robert A.** & Marie Secor
  • Frank L. '70 & Majory J. '70 Sente
  • Harold Sinclair '75
  • Andrew** & Elizabeth** Jane Spuler
  • David W. Stanley '82
  • Barry R. & Barbara S. Stiger
  • David L. Stroehmann
  • Albert R. and Judith E. Styrcula
  • Paul R. '88 & Erika L. Sykes
  • John J. '74 & Janice M. Urick, Jr. 
  • Robert C. Jr. '75 & Irenay S. Weaver
  • Richard J. ** & Kathleen H. Weilminster
  • Michael '67 & Susan Wert
  • James T. Wolyniec Jr.
About the Pillar Society

About the Pillar Society

The Pillar Society was established in 2006 to recognize individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to Pennsylvania College of Technology by naming the college or the Penn College Foundation as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. These planned gifts can include a bequest provision in their will or trust, a charitable gift annuity, a gift of life insurance or retirement plan assets, or other deferred gifts.