Nursing, B.S.N.

Bachelor of Science Degree (B.S.)
Nursing students

About this program

You want to make a difference, positively impact the lives of others. With a career in nursing, that comes naturally. At Penn College, you’ll be a part of a community of like-minded individuals primed to take on in-demand careers, just like nursing. In small class sizes with the guidance of master’s- and doctoral-prepared nursing instructors, students gain the knowledge and real-world experience to make tomorrow a better place. 

Holding College-Level Credits?

Students with credits from multiple college-level courses (including either BIO115 or CHM100 or higher) may be eligible to complete the Nursing, BSN program in less than 4 years. This requires an individualized academic plan that must be developed with the program director. If you are seeking this option, the program director can be reached at

Special Admissions Requirements

A limited number of seats are available in this program. That’s why we rely on selective admission criteria to select applicants with the highest potential for success. Entry into the program is competitive. There are a number of pathways to earn your seat including, but not limited to, TEAS, SAT, or ACT scores. Read more about the selection criteria →

Cohort size may vary based on clinical site availability and alignment with accreditation requirements. Students who are not selected into their desired program may be eligible for selection into another Nursing & Health Sciences program depending on seat availability. For additional information, please contact the appropriate program director.


NCLEX-RN Performance Exam First-Time Pass Rate; National Average is 83% Source


Hours of Hands-On Nursing Experience

Family of High-Fidelity Patient Simulators


  • Hospital acute care settings
  • Home health agencies
  • State and federal facilities
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Physician/surgeon/dentist offices

License/Certification Disclosure Information →


At Penn College, we believe your educational experience should go beyond specialized skills. Real-world ready means taking a broader approach that builds communication skills, inspires collaboration, and encourages exploration of arts, history, and science.

​​Specialization requires in-depth knowledge and high-level proficiency. Students learn and apply major-specific concepts, skills, and methods.

  • Perspectives on Aging (NUR205)
  • Introduction to Professional Nursing (NUR204)
  • Fundamentals of Nursing (NUR232)
  • Health Assessment (NUR288)
  • Teaching & Learning Concepts & Strategies (NUR353)
  • Adult Health Nursing I (NUR306)
  • Pharmacology in Healthcare I (NUR233)
  • Obstetrical Nursing (NUR330)
  • Pediatric Nursing (NUR340)
  • Adult Health Nursing II (NUR320)
  • Pharmacology in Healthcare II (NUR362)
  • Community Health Nursing (NUR428)
  • Mental Health Nursing (NUR420)
  • Adult Health Nursing III (NUR431)
  • Research & Theory in Clinical Practice (NUR494)
  • Leadership & Management in Nursing (NUR461)

​Perspectives are points of view, offering a variety of ways of understanding, interacting, and influencing the world. Students identify, explain, and utilize the approaches used by academics and professionals to study, analyze, or understand problems, and offer solutions.

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology I (BIO115)
  • General Psychology (PSY111)
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology II (BIO125)
  • Introduction to Sociology (SOC111)
  • Fundamentals of Chemistry (CHM100) or
  • Chemistry Survey (CHM108) or
  • General Chemistry I (CHM111)
  • Developmental Psychology (PSY203)
  • Microbiology (BIO201)
  • Core Arts Perspective (ARP)
  • Core Historical Perspective (HIP)

​​Foundations are the practical, intellectual, and social skills: communication, collaboration, critical and ethical thinking, quantitative thinking, and technological literacy that are crucial to every student at every stage of education and at every stage of life.

  • Math Elective (MTH123 or Higher) (MNA)
  • Information, Technology & Society (CSC124)
  • English Composition I (ENL111)
  • Fundamentals of Speech (SPC101) or
  • Fundamentals of Small Group Communication (SPC102) or
  • Interpersonal Communication (SPC201)
  • English Composition II (ENL121) or
  • Technical & Professional Communication (ENL201)
  • Statistics for Health & Behavioral Sciences (MTH159)

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Wildcat Spotlight - Allie Troup

Meet RN-in-training and women’s basketball player Allie Troup. Get a glimpse of her student-athlete experience at Penn College. Learn how she balances the demands of academics and athletics. And find out why she calls Penn College “a perfect match.”

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Industry Partners

Work with experts to become an expert

Penn College's strong partnerships impact every step of your journey – from your first day in the classroom and labs, to career placement (oftentimes before graduation) and beyond.

UPMC Susquehanna
Evangelical Community Hospital

Career Fair Connections

Penn College graduates are in high demand. Employer participation at the Career Fair is proof. Attracting 400+ organizations, this popular event is hosted twice per year and introduces students to all types of businesses from startups to Fortune 500 companies. 

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Partner Discounts & Scholars Programs

If you are a current employee or prospective employee at one of our partner organizations, you may be eligible for a tuition discount towards credits required for select nursing programs.

See the list
Student Life

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Student Nurses’ Association (SNA)

The SNA’s mission is to explore professional growth, promote mutual respect in collaboration between the different levels of nursing, and serve as a channel for the exchange of ideas to promote holistic health and provide for both patient and student education.

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Penn College News

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Penn College’s Hyland earns Doctor of Nursing Practice

Sherry L. Hyland, assistant professor of nursing at Pennsylvania College of Technology, recently completed a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Aspen University. The Doctor of Nursing Practice culminates in an evidence-based practice improvement project. Hyland, who works in the hospital setting in addition to her full-time teaching position, focused on implementation of a standardized oral care protocol for hospital patients in a medical/surgical unit.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Faculty’s research aids post-surgery care for patients with PTSD

While helping with a training activity at the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Donnamarie Lovestrand saw more than a decade of inquiry put into practice. That inquiry began in 2011 when Lovestrand, now an associate professor of nursing at Pennsylvania College of Technology, was a staff nurse in the post-anesthesia care unit of Bayne-Jones Army Community Hospital at Fort Polk (now Fort Johnson) in Louisiana.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Nursing capstones explore process improvements

Students graduating in December with bachelor’s degrees in nursing wrapped up their classwork by presenting capstone projects that proposed practical improvements in nurses’ daily processes. The projects, presented via research posters and slide presentations, encompassed study from each of the final-semester courses: Adult Health Nursing III, Leadership & Management in Nursing, and Research & Theory in Clinical Practice.

Study Abroad

Gain global experience

Explore the field of nursing beyond the classroom with international learning experiences to Guatemala and Belarus.

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Clinical Experience

Your knowledge in practice

Get career defining exposure to diverse specialties through clinical experiences at all types of healthcare facilities within a one-hour radius of campus. And in the final semester, you’ll further define your specialization with a preceptorship experience at a facility of your choice.

Student Experience

The community as their classroom

Role-playing students get perspective on patients’ real-life struggles

Nursing students participated in a simulation in that made them think about the choices they would make – and that many of their future patients will face – given the constraints of poverty.

During a “poverty simulation,” students were assigned to families with specified incomes and adhered to rules such as: working; caring for children; paying for transportation and bills; and providing adequate food, clothing and health care for their dependents.

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The baccalaureate nursing program at Pennsylvania College of Technology located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the baccalaureate nursing program is continuing accreditation.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at

View Nursing, B.S.N. (B.S.) Accreditation & Outcomes Information

More Information

The baccalaureate nursing program at Pennsylvania College of Technology located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania is fully approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing and is accredited by the:  

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
(404) 975-5000 

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the baccalaureate nursing program is continuing accreditation. 

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at .

Nursing Accreditation & Outcomes Information

Anyone desiring entrance into this major must first gain admission to Penn College. Acceptance into this selective admission major is based upon additional requirements beyond College admission. Details are available on the Selective Admission Criteria and Process webpage.

All students offered a reserved seat in this major are required to maintain a math/science grade calculation of 2.5 or greater and a cumulative graduation GPA of 2.5 or greater prior to entering the first nursing course. If a student does not maintain the required grade calculations, the student will relinquish their seat and be placed into the pre-nursing major. Re-selection into the major will be required during the next selection period and will follow the current selective admission criteria. In addition, all students must earn a “C” (2.0) or higher in all NUR, CHM, and BIO courses; if a lower grade is earned in any of these courses, the course must be repeated.

The following grading system is applied to all nursing courses in this major. There is no rounding of grades:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89.99
C = 75-79.99
F = 74.99 and below

Child abuse clearance and criminal background checks are required for this major as established by clinical affiliation agreements. Agencies can prohibit students from participating in clinical experiences at their sites if a criminal record exists or a positive drug test is noted. By virtue of contract for Pennsylvania College of Technology students to be at clinical sites, agencies have the right to ask for random drug testing. Inability to complete clinical, fieldwork, or intern educational experiences will result in the inability to meet course and program outcomes. For additional clarification, students can speak with their program director.

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing advises that a drug-related conviction and/or conviction of a felonious act or two misdemeanors might result in denial and/or revocation of a license to practice nursing. In accordance with the Professional Nurse Law, Act of 1951, P.L. 317, No. 69, as amended, the Pennsylvania Board of Nursing shall not issue a license to an applicant who has been convicted of a felonious act prohibited by the Act known as "The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act" or convicted of a felony relating to a controlled substance in a court of law of the United States or any other state, territory or country unless at least 10 years have elapsed from the date of the conviction.

Penn College complies with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. Pursuant to this Act, all forms of marijuana, including medical marijuana, are classified as prohibited controlled substances. Additionally, alcohol, illegal drugs, and legal drugs obtained without a prescription, or which may impair a student’s ability to perform his/her educational responsibilities are strictly prohibited. Students are subject to drug screening at various phases of the program. Please note that a positive drug screening for marijuana will be deemed a positive test and will result in a student being dismissed from the program, even if the student has been lawfully certified to use medical marijuana and/or possesses a valid medical marijuana identification card issued in accordance with applicable state law.

This major will follow the transfer standards established by the College which requires a minimum of a "C" grade in transfer courses. Official transcripts must be sent to the Pennsylvania College of Technology Admissions office. The College may also request official high school transcripts or an official GED score report. Students seeking acceptance for spring must submit official transcripts by December 1st and Fall acceptance by June 1st. Applicants transferring from other colleges will have their nursing credits evaluated by a Penn College Nursing official after they have been accepted into the major. International health credentials/licensure, science courses, and most math courses will not be accepted to satisfy requirements of this major. Please see  international students applying to the School of Nursing & Health Sciences majors for additional information.

View general transfer information

The traditional nursing, program at Pennsylvania College of Technology meets the state education requirements for a registered nursing license in the state of Pennsylvania. The College has not determined if the nursing, LPN to RN program at Pennsylvania College of Technology meets the state education requirements in any other state, any U.S. Territory, or the District of Columbia.
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) has resources that may be helpful.

Alternative Credit refers to academic credits earned through means other than traditional college course completion, including: credit by exam, articulation, proof of competency gained in high school, work/life experience, and advanced placement.

Visit the Alternative Credit Options page for requirements and procedures and for information on credit through Advanced Placement.

Students accepted into this major will incur expenses for tools/instruments, a custom nursing kit (can be purchased at the College Store) uniforms, malpractice insurance, clearances, certifications, etc. Refer to equipment and estimated cost list .

Technical Requirements

  • Laptop Computer Required
  • Windows 10 or higher, macOS 11 or higher (recommended)
  • Intel Core i5 or i7 (generation 10 or higher) processor (recommended)
  • 8+ GB RAM (recommended)
  • 250+ GB Solid State Disk (SSD) drive (recommended)
  • Laptop must include a webcam and microphone (required)
  • Laptop must include a wireless network card (required)
  • Broadband Internet connection when working off campus (required)
  • Additional plug-ins may be required (Information Technology Services - Service Desk available for assistance)
    • Chromebooks and other devices running ChromeOS are prohibited

Operating Systems:
P.L.A.T.O. (Platform for Learning and Teaching Online) is Penn College's implementation of Desire2Learn/Brightspace LMS. It is a Web-based course management system that allows instructors to post course materials online, facilitate course communication, gauge student progress, and extend learning beyond the classroom. 

The fully supported browsers for PLATO are: Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari

Some items are available for purchase through The College Store.


  • Program Review Executive Summary
  • Students must meet Essential Functions for Nursing established by the Nursing Program, as well as health and safety requirements including, but not limited to, immunizations (MMR, hepatitis B, varicella, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, annual influenza vaccination, PPD), medical examination, 10 panel drug screen, CPR certification, and background clearances as established by clinical affiliation agreements.

Contact the Program Director:

Amber Morgan; Kelly Bidlespacher 
570 320 2400 ext. 4525

  • Ms. Sharon Adams, RN, BSN, Manager, Patient Care ED & M/S Unit, UPMC Susquehanna
  • Ms. Wendy Batschelet, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer, Geisinger
  • Ms. Cinde L Bower-Stout, RN, '94, Level 1 Heart Attack Nurse Coordinator, Geisinger Medical Center
  • Mr. David Brundage, Pediatric Clinical Educator, Bayada Pediatrics Home Health Care
  • Danielle Forker, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, CFRN, PHRN, '98, Director of Nursing, Geisinger Medical Center Muncy
  • Ms. Kathy Harris, RN, BSN, MHA, '00, '13, Manager of Compliance/Quality Outcomes, UPMC Susquehanna
  • Ms. Jill Meredith, RN Infection Preventionist and Wound Care Certified Nurse, The Williamsport Home
  • Mr. Jonah Milliken, Associate Director, Bayada Pediatrics
  • Ms. Tamara F Persing, MS, BSN, RN, CIC, FAPIC, VP Patient Care Services/Chief Nursing Officer, Evangelical Community Hospital
  • MSN, RN Laura Rausch, Ms., 2014, Instructor, Neumann University
  • Chelsea Reichard, '10, Director of Nursing/Campus Administrator, Geisinger Jersey Shore Hospital
  • Ms. Dawn Shaffer, Health Careers Instructor, Lycoming Career and Technology Center
  • Ms. Katelyn Sheesley, Critical Care and Intermediate Care Nurse Educator, Evangelical Community Hospital
  • Ms. Heather Stafford, MHA, BSN, CIC, Clinical Director of Nursing Education & Infection Prev. & Control, UPMC Susquehanna
  • Ms. Kelly Stiner, Senior Campus Relations Specialist, Geisinger
  • Ms. Katherine Vastine, '91, CARES Leadership Coordinator, Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit