Effective Fall 2025

As an online degree program, the Emergency Management and Homeland Security major prepares students for careers in emergency management and public safety. The curriculum provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the four phases of emergency management, levels of governmental responsibility, policies and procedures influencing coordinated/integrated efforts, and the appropriate roles and requisite skills of an effective emergency manager.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this major may find employment in many areas directly and indirectly related to emergency management and homeland security, such as emergency management coordinators and specialists; emergency planners; disaster planning specialists; public health preparedness coordinators and specialists; emergency medical technicians and paramedics; and police, fire, and ambulance dispatchers.

Special Equipment Needs

Students must have access to a computer with consistent Internet access. Technical requirements are as follows: 

  • Windows 11 or higher (recommended). 
  • Intel Core i5 or i7 (generation 10 or higher) processor (recommended). 
  • 8+ GB RAM (recommended).  
  • 250+ GB Solid State Disk (SSD) drive (recommended). 
  • Laptop/computer must include a webcam and microphone (required). 
  • Laptop/computer must include a wireless network card (required). 
  • Broadband Internet connection when working off campus (required). 
  • Additional plug-ins may be required (Information Technology Services Service Desk available for assistance). 
  • Chromebooks and other devices running Chrome OS are prohibited

Remediation Strategies

All incoming students must meet placement requirements in math. Students are expected to remediate any deficiencies as explained in the College Catalog (see https://www.pct.edu/catalog/admissions-policy).

Transfer Procedures

Internal and external transfers may carry parallel major courses into the baccalaureate when the grades are 'C' or better. Transcripts should be submitted with the application for admission and will be evaluated by Registrar staff and by academic school staff. By its nature, prior work experience in emergency services, military, and other appropriate work backgrounds will be evaluated for transfer evaluation and placement in the major. The academic school dean and full-time faculty will evaluate credit for life experience for course work from applicants with non-credit training or work experience. Credits awarded for work/life experience will be posted to the applicant’s College transcript after successful completion of at least 12 credits at the College.

Program Goals

A graduate of this major should be able to:
  • assess, organize, and develop plans to facilitate the relationship between federal, state, and regional emergency management agencies and the communities they serve.
  • collaborate within and between governmental entities, community service agencies, and health care provider organizations to ensure that effective disaster preparedness mitigation, capacity to respond to disasters, and disaster recovery planning are current and adequate to meet local and regional needs.
  • utilize best practices to facilitate and support leadership in response to natural and man-made emergencies.
  • communicate effectively and appropriately with professional emergency responders, law enforcement personnel, public officials, and affected citizens during all phases of a disaster.
  • demonstrate a commitment to continuous personal growth and professional development.
  • promote and support the profession through service activities and affiliation with relevant professional associations.

Performance Standards

Students must complete all BEM-designated courses with a grade of 'C' or above. Failure to achieve a grade of 'C' or above in a course after the maximum attempts allowed by college policy, results in withdrawal from the major. Students should work closely with their academic advisors and program faculty to ensure that they are meeting all criteria for satisfactory progress in the program. 

Continued progression in the program, to include eligibility for internship courses and graduation, is predicated not only upon satisfactory academic performance, but also upon satisfactory demonstration of professional and ethical responsibility, personal responsibility, and satisfactory demonstration of skills and abilities prerequisite to the ethical delivery of services in the field. For more specific information about the criteria used to evaluate students' progress, a copy of the program manual can be obtained from the School of Business, Arts & Sciences.


First SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
FYE101First Year Experience 1.0.50 1.50 SREQ
BEM101Introduction to Emergency Management Operations 3.03 MREQ
SOC111Introduction to Sociology 3.03 SREQ
CSC124Information, Technology & Society 3.03 SREQ
ENL111English Composition I 3.03 SREQ
MTHMathematics Elective 3.0 SMTH
Second SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BEM103The History & Evolution of Emergency Management 3.03 MREQ
BEM201Incident Command System Operations 3.03 MREQ
BEM202Emergencies, Disasters & Catastrophes 3.03 MREQ
SPCSpeech Elective 3.0 SSPC
MTH157Business Statistics 3.03 SREQ
MTH159Statistics for Health & Behavioral Sciences 3.03 SREQ
MTH161Statistics for STEM Fields with Computer Applications 3.53 1.50 SREQ
Third SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BEM210Disaster Preparation & Planning 3.03 MREQ
BEM221Crisis Communication 3.03 MREQ
BEM254Geospatial Information Systems in Emergency Management 3.03 MREQ
GEL105Introduction to Physical Geology 4.03 3 SREQ
SCI101Introduction to Forensic Science 3.0Science, Technology and Society Requirement3 SREQ
SCI102Introduction to Forensic Science Laboratory 1.0 3 SREQ
OEAOpen Elective 1.0 SOEA
Fourth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BEM230Disaster Recovery 3.03 MREQ
BEMDirected Emergency Management Elective 3.0 SBEM
ENL201Technical & Professional Communication 3.03 SREQ
HIS116World History I 3.0Cultural Diversity Requirement3 SREQ
HIS126World History II 3.0Cultural Diversity Requirement3 SREQ
PSY111General Psychology 3.03 SREQ
Fifth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BEM340Introduction to Homeland Security 3.03 MREQ
BEM350Bioterrorism 3.03 MREQ
HSJ263Criminal Justice 3.03 SREQ
PSC261International Relations 3.0Cultural Diversity Requirement3 SREQ
OEAOpen Elective 3.0 SOEA
Sixth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
HSJ302Trauma-Informed Care 3.03 SREQ
BEM300Critical Infrastructure 3.03 MREQ
PSC402Terrorism, Civil War & Genocide 3.0Writing Enriched Requirement3 SREQ
PSC251Principles of Public Administration 3.03 SREQ
SCIScience Elective 3.0 SSCI
Seventh SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BEM311Technological Elements of Emergency Management 3.03 MREQ
SOC313Research Methods 3.03 SREQ
JUSDirected Emergency Management Elective (300-level or higher) 3.0 SJUS
JUSDirected Emergency Management Elective (300-level or higher) 3.0 SJUS
OEEExploration Elective 3.0 SOEE
Eighth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BEM450Emergency Management Internship 3.0 MREQ
BEM495Emergency Management Capstone 3.03 MREQ
OEEExploration Elective 3.0 SOEE
ARPCore Arts Perspective 3.0 SARP
OEAOpen Elective 3.0 SOEA