Effective Fall 2024

The Business Management curriculum offers students the skills needed to prepare for a career in management-related fields. Students develop skills in effective decision making, problem solving, organizing and planning.

Career Opportunities

Entry-level management trainee positions in manufacturing, retailing, banking, insurance, marketing, and government.

Special Equipment Needs

Laptop Computer Required 

  • Windows 11 or higher (recommended).
  • Intel Core i5 or i7 (generation 10 or higher) processor (recommended).
  • 8+ GB RAM (recommended).
  • 250+ GB Solid State Disk (SSD) drive (recommended).
  • Laptop must include a webcam and microphone (required).
  • Laptop must include a wireless network card (required).
  • Broadband Internet connection when working off campus (required).
  • Additional plug-ins may be required (Information Technology Services Service Desk available for assistance).
  • Chromebooks and other devices running Chrome OS are prohibited.

Remediation Strategies

All incoming students must meet placement requirements in math. Students are expected to remediate any deficiencies as explained in the College Catalog (see https://www.pct.edu/catalog/admissions-policy).

Program Goals

A graduate of this major should be able to:
  • explain the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
  • distinguish the concepts in international and multinational business.
  • explain how the financial statements interrelate and interpret using profitability, liquidity, solvency ratios, as well as horizonal and vertical analyses using spreadsheets.
  • develop and analyze information sources to effectively handle human resource laws and regulations, employee training and development, and organizational effectiveness.
  • analyze how the marketing research process facilitates the development of the marketing mix and plan.


First SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
FYE101First Year Experience 1.50 1.50 SREQ
CSC124Information, Technology & Society 33 SREQ
ENL111English Composition I 33 SREQ
MGT105Introduction to Business 33 MREQ
MTH113Business Mathematics 33 SREQ
MTH157Business Statistics 33 SREQ
FITFitness & Wellness Elective 1 SFIT
Second SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
MIS211Business Computer Applications Using Spreadsheet 33 MREQ
ENL201Technical & Professional Communication 33 SREQ
MGT115Principles of Management 33 MREQ
MKT240Principles of Marketing 33 MREQ
SPCSpeech Elective 3 SSPC
OEAOpen Elective 3 SOEA
Third SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
ACC113Introduction to Financial Accounting 33 MREQ
ECO111Principles of Macroeconomics 33 MREQ
HRM300Human Resource Management 33 MREQ
MGT301Business Law I 33 MREQ
SBMSpecified Business Management Elective 3 MSBM
Fourth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
ACC123Introduction to Managerial Accounting 33 MREQ
FIN305Fundamentals of Financial Planning 33 MREQ
FIN350Finance 33 MREQ
MGT216International Business 33 MREQ
SBMSpecified Business Management Elective 3 MSBM
SCIScience Elective 3 SSCI

Specified Business Management Electives include any ACC, FIN, HRM, MGT, MKT, MIS or any adviser approved courses at the 200 level or higher.