Effective Fall 2022

The Industrial Design curriculum prepares students to become designers of marketable products and systems.  This major is an interdisciplinary study of design that integrates aesthetics, ergonomics, kinesiology, anthropometry, material science, engineering, manufacturing, business, and the social sciences.  The curriculum is designed to elicit students' creative potential and couple it with techniques and technology that transform ideas into practical designs. 

Industrial designers create products that are optimized and customized for human use, from medical devices and tools to furniture and automobiles.  In addition to material and technological considerations, industrial designers incorporate nonfunctional elements such as aesthetics and culturally relevant features, as seen in many consumer products ranging from toys to cell phones. 

This major focuses on creating real-world, practical products and systems.  Students will develop proficiency in creating conceptual designs that are effective, attractive, and sensitive to environmental sustainability and cultural concerns.  Students will also learn various rendering techniques, from charcoal to three dimensional computer aided design, as well as visualization and communication skills.  Studies in engineering, manufacturing, business, and marketing complement understanding of the processes involved in developing evocative designs.  Finally, students will be capable of designing products and systems intended for specialty consumers such as children, the elderly, and those with physical and mental challenges.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this program would obtain jobs in the following areas: industrial design, interaction design/human factors design, environmental design, and packaging design.

Special Equipment Needs

Laptop Computer Required

  • Windows 11 or higher (recommended).
  • 64-bit, 3.0 GHz or greater, 4 or more cores (Intel or AMD) (required).
  • 16+ GB RAM (required); 32+ GB RAM (recommended).
  • 250+ GB Solid State Disk (SSD) Drive (recommended).
  • 1 GB GPU minimum Graphics Card (required); 4 GB GPU (recommended).
  • Laptop must include a webcam and microphone (required).
  • Laptop must include a wireless network card (required).
  • Broadband Internet connection when working off campus (required).
  • Additional plug-ins may be required (Information Technology Services Service Desk available for assistance).
  • Chromebooks and other devices running Chrome OS are prohibited.

Remediation Strategies

All incoming students must meet placement requirements in math. Students are expected to remediate any deficiencies as explained in the College Catalog (see https://www.pct.edu/catalog/admissions-policy).

Program Goals

A graduate of this major should be able to:
  • design products that are useful, useable, safe, and desirable.
  • evaluate how products are manufactured and how they can be improved in form, function, and appeal based on human factors.
  • synthesize the needs of business, marketing, sales, engineering, manufacturing, and sustainability to design effective products.
  • synthesize human factors in the development of product and system interfaces.
  • use CAD, CAID, and graphic design software applications to develop design solutions.
  • apply knowledge and principles gained through the history of design.
  • communicate effectively via 2D and 3D modeling as well as in written and verbal form.
  • synthesize human factors in task design (establishing processes or sequences of operations such as websites, telephone systems, manufacturing processes, etc.), including social/cultural considerations.
  • manage and participate in collaborative, multidisciplinary team projects.

Performance Standards

Prior to beginning the third year of study, students must demonstrate proficiency in designing creative, practical products. Specifically, students must demonstrate the ability to sketch design concepts and to assess their feasibility based on engineering, marketing, and manufacturing constraints. These proficiencies will be demonstrated by earning grades of a 'C' or better in the following courses: BIX 110, BIX 220, and ART 109. Students must also meet the minimum GPA requirements established by the College's Academic Probation policy.


First SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
FYE101First Year Experience 1.50 1.50 SREQ
BIX110Introduction to Industrial Design 32 3 MREQ
ART107Visual Literacy for Designers 32 3 MREQ
MTH181College Algebra & Trigonometry I 32.50 1.50 SREQ
CSC124Information, Technology & Society 33 SREQ
ENL111English Composition I 33 SREQ
Second SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BIX130Model Building 32 3 MREQ
ART109Design & Color 32 3 MREQ
ART102Two-Dimensional Design 32 3 MREQ
MTH157Business Statistics 33 SREQ
BIO103Human Anatomy & Physiology Survey 43 3 SREQ
Third SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BIX220Ergonomics & Kinesiology 33 MREQ
ENL121English Composition II 33 SREQ
ENL201Technical & Professional Communication 33 SREQ
ART270Computer Graphics I 32 3 MREQ
ART180Drawing 32 3 MREQ
ART202Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design 32 3 MREQ
Fourth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BIX231Mechanical Engineering Principles 32 3 MREQ
CAD1243D Parametric Modeling Using SolidWorks® 32 3 SREQ
MTT223Machine Tool Applications for Fabrication & Repair 31 6 SREQ
ART125Art History: Ancient through 15th Century 33 SREQ
PSY111General Psychology 33 SREQ
Fifth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BIX331Design Studio 1 32 3 MREQ
CDPCore Global & Cultural Diversity Perspective 3 SCDP
PHS103Physics Survey 33 SREQ
BIXDirected Industrial Design Elective 3 MBIX
SPC101Fundamentals of Speech 33 SREQ
Sixth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BIX340Industrial Design Applications 32 3 MREQ
MKT240Principles of Marketing 33 SREQ
ART330Modern Art & the Contemporary Image 3Writing Enriched Requirement3 MREQ
HIS262History of Technology & Society 3Writing Enriched Requirement &
Science, Technology and Society Requirement
BIZIndustrial Design Elective 300-400 Level 3 MBIZ
Seventh SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BIX401Design Studio II 52 9 MREQ
MET319Lean Manufacturing & Quality Control 33 SREQ
BIXDirected Industrial Design Elective 3 MBIX
BIXDirected Industrial Design Elective 3 MBIX
Eighth SemesterCreditsNotesLectureLab/ClinicalM/SType
BIX495Senior Project 42 6 MREQ
BIXDirected Industrial Design Elective 3 MBIX
BIXDirected Industrial Design Elective 3 MBIX
OEAOpen Elective 3 SOEA
OEAOpen Elective 3 SOEA