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BIX Directed Industrial Design Elective
- ABC182 - Automotive Aero-enhancements
- ACH258 - 3D Modeling & Animation
- BIM120 - Social Media in Business & Society
- BIX350 - Industrial Design Internship
- BWM150 - Introduction to Web Page Development
- CCM140 - Woodworking - Art, Craft & Design
- CSC142 - Interactive 3D Modeling
- DSG323 - Design Statics & Strength of Materials
- INV201 - Principles of Innovation
- MKT243 - Sales
- MKT320 - Marketing Research
- MKT325 - Consumer Behavior
- MKT330 - Advertising
- PPT118 - Polymer Processing Survey - Lecture
- PPT119 - Polymer Processing Survey - Lab
- PPT140 - Sustainable Materials
- PPT160 - Composites & Nanocomposites
- PPT235 - Injection Molding
- SOC313 - Research Methods (Electives:SSE)