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Robert Sylwester, author and emeritus professor of education at the University of Oregon, will present the colloquium "Present at the Maturation of Our Brain" on April 4 at Pennsylvania College of Technology. The nontechnical presentation will describe the brain's organization and extended development and will address the implications for adolescent and adult education.
Students and parents can learn more about their financial-aid options at Pennsylvania College of Technology when the College offers "Financial Aid Nights" on April 22-25. The sessions, which are being hosted by the Financial Aid Office at Penn College, will begin at 7 p.m. in the Klump Academic Center Auditorium.
Jersey Shore Hospital and Pennsylvania College of Technology have established a partnership to help student nurses pay their college expenses in exchange for a commitment of employment at the hospital after graduation.
Physical therapists, personal trainers, coaches, health-care professionals, physical-health instructors and educators are among those who may benefit from a one-day functional-training workshop to be offered Saturday, April 20, at Pennsylvania College of Technology.
(The following communique from Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, Pennsylvania College of Technology president, was issued in response to this week's Middle States re-accreditation visit.) Excellence can be attained if you CARE more than others think is wise, RISK more than others think is safe, DREAM more than others think is practical and EXPECT more than others think is possible.
Prospective students and their families, alumni and visitors will be able to see what Pennsylvania's premier technical college has to offer when Pennsylvania College of Technology presents Open House 2002 on Sunday, March 17. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
"Endgrain: Images from Wood," an exhibition of prints from the Wood Engravers' Network, will be presented March 12 to April 5 in "The Gallery at Penn College" at Pennsylvania College of Technology. A demonstration will be offered Tuesday, March 12, from 3:30-5 p.m., followed by an opening reception from 5-7 p.m. The events are free and open to the public.
A team of peer evaluators sent by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools will visit Pennsylvania College of Technology on March 3-6 as the culmination of a re-accreditation process. The voluntary, self-regulatory peer-review process takes place every 10 years. Penn College was last accredited by Middle States in 1992.
Six people who completed a new Call Center/Customer Service Training program were honored during ceremonies held Feb. 22 at Pennsylvania College of Technology's North Campus near Wellsboro. Staff from the North Campus and Penn College's Technology Transfer Center developed the 186-hour noncredit training program at the request of several area employers.
Pennsylvania College of Technology student Matthew A. Greger was named "National Communications Coordinator of the Year" recently at the Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls regional conference at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland.