Penn College News

Makerspace Articles

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Roberta Schwenk, makerspace assistant, shows first-year students the versatile capabilities of a 3D printer. On hand to assist guests are (from left) welding instructor Timothy S. Turnbach; Thomas E. Ask, professor of industrial design; and Jeremiah C. Johnson, makerspace attendant. The face of ingenuity Students work on personal projects in the collaborative space. Schwenk and Barbara J.

A dozen residential Pre-College Programs and a daytime Creative Art Camp brought hundreds of young women and men to Penn College's campuses in mid-June, providing hands-on entry to the myriad career opportunities reflected in the institution's postsecondary curriculum.

Veronica M. Muzic, whose dedicated service as a faculty member and administrator is tightly woven through 50 years of college history, died Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at the age of 82. Muzic joined Williamsport Area Community College as an English instructor in 1968 and was awarded its first “Master Teacher” award in 1982.

The industrial design major at Pennsylvania College of Technology is intended to elicit students’ creative potential. For three students on the cusp of graduation, that goal has been met, as evidenced by their senior projects. Nicole Bamonte, of Williamsport; Nina M. Hadden, of Murrysville; and Abigail M.

Conversing with students and faculty in the Makerspace During the Makerspace visit, Brueckner explains her “Embodisuit” that allows its wearer to map signals onto different places on the body to experience meaningful connections. Paul L. Starkey, vice president for academic affairs/provost, introduces the speaker ... ...

Interest runs high in The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College, where attendant Jeremiah C. Johnson (right) met with students and employees during an Open House. The hands-on allure of the facility is evident as attendees move among the equipment ... ... and sign up for access to the varied tools at their disposal.

Designed by students and funded by a forward-thinking group of individual and industry benefactors, a space designed to inspire interdisciplinary innovation and collaboration has opened its doors at Pennsylvania College of Technology. Dedication ceremonies were held Aug. 14 for The Dr.

A makerspace, providing a fertile environment for innovation and imagination – and the tools with which students can turn visions into reality – was dedicated in Penn College's Carl Building Technologies Center on Tuesday. The student-designed Dr. Welch Workshop memorializes Dr. Marshall Welch Jr., a local orthodontist and longtime philanthropist, who died in 2012.

An $8,000 grant from PPL Electric Utilities will help Pennsylvania College of Technology in its effort to open a makerspace on campus. PPL is offering unrestricted funding in support of The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College. The facility, under construction in the Carl Building Technologies Center at Penn College, will open this fall.

Williams’ Atlantic Sunrise Project is providing a $10,000 grant to help Pennsylvania College of Technology launch a makerspace on its main campus. The company’s Atlantic Sunrise Community Grant Program is offering the unrestricted funding support for The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College, which is expected to be completed for Fall 2018 in the Carl Building Technologies Center.