Penn College News

Diesel Technology & Natural Resources Articles

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A cross-curricular group of eight students and two faculty members recently traveled south for Komatsu Demo Days and a factory tour, hosted by one of Pennsylvania College of Technology's valued Corporate Tomorrow Makers.

During the past decade, Pennsylvania College of Technology’s Baja SAE team members have journeyed more than 20,000 miles to test their talent. Next year, they will travel less than 10 from main campus to do that. Penn College will host a Baja SAE competition May 16-19 at its Schneebeli Earth Science Center near Montgomery and Allenwood. Dubbed Baja SAE Williamsport, the international event is expected to attract 80-plus teams and about 800 competitors.

Penn College's Deans' Council held its Summer 2023 retreat at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center on Tuesday, traveling south of main campus for a full day of presentations and other activities.

Students in nearly a dozen diesel and heavy construction equipment courses will be positively impacted by a longtime partner’s loan of an excavator to Pennsylvania College of Technology.