Deans' Council retreats to ESC for productive day
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Photos provided by Nesli Alp, vice president for academic affairs/provost

Justin W. Beishline (left), assistant dean of diesel technology and natural resources, welcomes his administrative co-workers to the ESC.
Among the day's topics were "Trauma-Informed Responses," presented by Nate Woods Jr., special assistant to the president for inclusion transformation; "Accessibility Fundamentals," shared by Dawn M. Dickey, director of disability and access resources, and Walter J. Shultz, director of educational and emerging technologies; "Incomplete Grades in the New System," by Joanna K. Flynn, dean of curriculum instruction; and a "Strategic Plan" presentation by Nesli Alp, vice president for academic affairs/provost.
Council members closed the retreat with a team-building exercise at the college's heavy equipment and diesel training site in Brady Township.
The group also enjoyed lunch with President Michael J. Reed in the ESC's pondside pavilion and an optional post-event gathering at The James back in downtown Williamsport.