Penn College News

SGA 'Silent Auction' Benefits Student Scholarship Funds

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Bidders assess the items on the Madigan Library auction block ...... including a papier-mache elephant (and two winged pigs elsewhere up for sale) crafted by Dennis R. Dorward, associate professor of construction management/building construction ...... a table donated by retiree (and accomplished woodworker) Barry R. Stiger ...... Penn College Pride bags from the President's Office ...... and a "chef-created dinner for two" to be prepared by Dining Services' Christopher R. Grove and donated by Grove (an alumnus) and Allison A. Bressler, assistant director of student activities for programming and Greek lifeWith a boost from ticket sales for a Snap-on toolbox raffle, Friday’s Student Government Association Silent Auction raised $4,127 toward the Student Leader Legacy Scholarship. The total – benefiting from the 63 campus and community bidders vying for items and services donated by more than 50 employees, students, alumni and friends of the college – is a considerable increase over the approximate $2,300 raised last year. Two toolboxes were given away during the event in the Madigan Library, with $2,660 in proceeds split between The College Store Scholarship Fund and the SGA Leader Legacy Scholarship Fund (awarded by SGA each year to Penn College students who display exemplary leadership). The tool chests were won by Terry San Angelo, of Quakertown, whose son, Drew, will be a freshman in Fall 2017, and Tanya Berfield, manager of College Transitions.