Penn College News

Annual Reception Honors Institution's Indispensable Donors

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nicholas J. Ensig of Control Solutions Group Inc., snaps a shot of his company’s Heritage Society plate. Ensig is a 2005 graduate of Penn College's four-year building automation technology major. He also holds a certificate in plumbing and an associate degree in heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology (both 2003).President Gilmour welcomes the crowd along with Debra M. Miller (right), vice president for institutional advancement, ready to present tokens of appreciation. Jere Knisely, with SECO Tools LLC, accepts his company’s Heritage Society recognition. Always stepping up to the plate – and moving up to the Visionary Society level on Tuesday – is the Cunningham family. From left: Mark, Denise, Marsha, Mike, Carol, Jim and Don. Ryan and Katie Flood from Highway Equipment and Supply Co. make their way through the various food stations, ably staffed by hospitality students. Personal and corporate support from Penn College's friends - contributions that provide scholarships, hands-on equipment and other benefits to students - were acknowledged Tuesday evening in a 12th annual reception in the Student & Administrative Services Center. College President Davie Jane Gilmour recognized those whose names were newly added to the Donor Wall in the building lobby, as well as those whose continuing generosity lifted them to a new level of giving.

Golden Society
Daimler Chrysler Corp.*
The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation

Visionary Society
DSG Aviation LLC
Cunningham Family*
First National Bank*
Bill and Kitt Gamber
Klingerman Family*
UGI Utilities Inc.*

Heritage Society
Alcoa Foundation
Benton Foundry Inc.
Grace M. Brubaker Estate
Control Solutions Group Inc.
Robert and Deborah Feaster*
The Hartman Group*
Highway Equipment and Supply Co.*
William G. and Marie E. Knecht*
PMI Global Services, Inc.

Ambassador Society
Anderson Equipment Co.
John M. and Linda D. Confer
John Deere
Hagerty Education Program at America’s Car Museum
Dave and Lynda Livingstion
John and Linda Lundy
Ray and Shelly Mattie
McCormick Law Firm
David and Maggie Roche
Dr. William B. and Patricia Urosevich
Thomas Zimmerman and June Kilgus Zimmerman

Pillar Society Inductees
Dr. Warren and Theresa Eshbach

* Denotes a new level of giving society