Penn College News

Penn College Administrators Establish Leadership Scholarship

Thursday, October 29, 2015

A married couple serving as senior administrators at Pennsylvania College of Technology established a scholarship for student leaders at the institution.

Carolyn R. and Elliott Strickland have started the Strickland Family Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership and Service at Penn College.

Carolyn Strickland, who began her employment with the college in 2003, serves as vice president for enrollment management/associate provost; Elliott Strickland, who began working at the college in 1997, is chief student affairs officer.

Elliott Strickland, chief student affairs officer, and Carolyn R. Strickland, vice president for enrollment management/associate provost, have established the Strickland Family Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership and Service at Penn College.The scholarship will benefit students who are entering their first year of college, are enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program as a full-time student, have achieved a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale), and have demonstrated significant leadership and community service involvement while in high school.

“Elliott and I believe passionately in the mission of Penn College,” Carolyn Strickland said. “We are thrilled to make this commitment to the success of our students through the scholarship process.”

“Penn College is a special place where students can grow as leaders in their community, as well as professionals in their field,” Elliott Strickland added. “We hope this scholarship will encourage prospective students, who show promise in involvement and community service, to pursue their education at Penn College.”

Robb C. Dietrich, executive director of the Penn College Foundation, commended the Stricklands for their generosity and ongoing commitment to Penn College students.

“Carolyn and Elliott demonstrate their commitment to Penn College on a daily basis with the way they both approach their leadership positions at the institution,” Dietrich said. “Their generosity in establishing this scholarship simply emphasizes that students are at the heart of that commitment. We are extremely grateful for their support.”

Those interested in contributing to the fund for the Strickland Family Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership and Service – or in establishing their own scholarship – may send a donation to the Penn College Foundation, One College Avenue, Williamsport, PA 17701; give online or call the Institutional Advancement Office toll-free at 866-GIVE-2-PC (866-448-3272).

Students who wish to apply for any of the more than 200 scholarships administered by the Penn College Foundation should complete the online scholarship application.

More about Penn College, a national leader in applied technology education, is available on the Web.