BRM Directed Building Technology Electives
Directed Building Technology electives include ACH, ACR, BCT, ELT, HRT, MCT, PLH and RET courses. Major courses other than ACH, ACR, BCT, ELT, HRT, MCT, PLH and RET will need adviser approval.
- ACH101 - Introduction to Architecture
- ACH111 - Architectural Graphics
- ACH112 - Architectural History (Electives:ART)
- ACH119 - Building Materials I
- ACH129 - Building Materials II
- ACH135 - Architectural Computer-Aided Drafting
- ACH139 - Construction Documents - Residential
- ACH211 - Architectural Graphics II
- ACH237 - Working Drawings - Commercial
- ACH239 - Construction Documents - Commercial
- ACH240 - Environmental Systems
- ACH241 - Codes, Specifications & Estimating
- ACH243 - Structural Principles
- ACH258 - 3D Modeling & Animation
- ACH262 - Sustainability: Building & Living Green (Electives:WRT)
- ACH264 - Computers & Estimating
- ACH281 - Architectural Design Studio III
- ACR103 - HVAC Print Reading & Automated Design
- ACR116 - Introduction to Refrigeration
- ACR152 - Fundamentals of HVAC Electrical Controls
- ACR220 - Refrigeration Applications - Commercial Systems/Design
- ACR221 - Refrigeration Applications - Commercial Installation/Service
- ACR236 - Air Conditioning Systems I
- ACR239 - Residential HVAC System Design
- ACR249 - Advanced HVAC System Service
- ACR251 - Warm-Air Heating & Duct Design
- ACR253 - Advanced Controls for HVAC
- BCT103 - Construction Hand & Power Tools
- BCT104 - Construction Safety & Equipment
- BCT109 - Framing Principles
- BCT110 - Site Preparation & Layout
- BCT117 - Construction Materials & Application I
- BCT118 - Construction Materials & Applications II
- BCT129 - Print Reading & Drafting
- BCT130 - Interior Finish
- BCT135 - Weather Resistant Barriers & Finishes
- BCT140 - Roof Structures
- BCT234 - Masonry Principles
- BCT238 - Concrete Construction
- BCT255 - Construction Estimating
- BCT256 - Residential Construction Planning, Scheduling & Management
- BCT259 - Trim & Millwork
- BCT260 - Introduction to Electrical & Mechanical Systems
- BCT278 - Construction Technology Applications
- BCT305 - Codes in Construction
- CAD247 - CAD Management & Customization
- CST100 - Introduction to Concrete Science Technology
- CST110 - Concrete Tools & Materials
- CST120 - Properties & Testing of Concrete
- CST140 - Concrete Codes & Standards
- CST160 - Concrete Materials & Repair Products
- CST202 - Concrete Industry Internship
- CST204 - Decorative Concrete
- CST207 - Concrete Production Problems & Conflict Resolution
- CST208 - Forming, Shoring & Reinforcing
- CST210 - Concrete Construction Estimating
- ELT111 - Direct Current Fundamentals
- ELT116 - Construction Lab I - Residential
- ELT120 - Construction Lab II-Commercial
- ELT237 - Construction Lab III - Industrial
- ELT246 - Electrical Machinery Analysis
- ELT249 - Programmable Logic Control Input/Output Devices
- ELT250 - HVAC/R Electricity
- ELT252 - HVAC Controls I-Residential
- ELT253 - HVAC Controls II-Commercial
- ELT255 - Electrical Estimating
- ELT256 - Electrical Contractor Business Management
- HRT101 - Introduction to Ornamental Horticulture
- HRT102 - Horticulture Equipment Operation & Safety
- HRT110 - Soils & Fertilizers
- HRT150 - Internship
- HRT208 - Containerized Plant Production
- HRT224 - Landscape Construction
- HRT225 - Landscape Design
- HRT234 - Horticulture Accessories
- HRT241 - Insects & Diseases of Ornamental Plants (Electives:WRT)
- PLH113 - Mechanical Systems Design & Operation
- PLH220 - Mechanical Estimating
- PLH221 - Mechanical Systems
- PLH223 - Mechanical Systems
- PLH233 - Basic Heating Systems
- PLH244 - Hydronic Heating Systems
- PLH245 - Hydronic Heating Systems
- RET122 - Alternating Current Essentials
- URF201 - Arboriculture