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CDP Core Global & Cultural Diversity Perspective
- ANT113 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Electives:CUL,HUM,SSE)
- EDU130 - American Sign Language I (Electives:SSE)
- EDU131 - American Sign Language II (Electives:SSE)
- ENL253 - Women in Literature (Electives:CUL)
- GLB160 - Global Experience: International Automotive Studies (Electives:CUL)
- GLB255 - Pioneers & Paradigms of Psychology in Europe
- GLB256 - Global Experience: Art & Architecture of Antiquity (Electives:ART,CUL)
- GLB270 - Global Experience: European Sustainable Building, Historical Architecture & Art (Electives:ART,CUL)
- GLB271 - Global Experience: Global Cities - Architecture Ideals, Urban Forms & Artistic Aspirations (Electives:ART,CUL)
- GLB291 - Global Experience: Global Food & Hospitality: Cuisine, Culture & Perspectives (Electives:CUL)
- GLB313 - Global Experience: Oral Healthcare Field Experience (Electives:CUL)
- HIS116 - World History I (Electives:CUL,HUM,SSE)
- HIS126 - World History II (Electives:CUL,HUM,SSE)
- HIS136 - United States Survey to 1877 (Electives:CUL,HUM)
- HIS146 - United States Survey from 1877 to the Present (Electives:CUL,HUM)
- HIS204 - History of Religion (Electives:CUL,HUM,SSE)
- HIS262 - History of Technology & Society (Electives:HUM,SSE,STS,WRT)
- HIS302 - An Age of War: A Cultural History of World War I & II (Electives:CUL,HUM,SSE,WRT)
- HIS325 - Native American History & Culture (Electives:CUL,HUM,WRT)
- HIS330 - Civil War & Reconstruction (Electives:CUL,HUM,WRT)
- HIS335 - U.S. Constitutional & Legal History (Electives:CUL,HUM,WRT)
- HIS450 - History Seminar (Electives:HUM,SSE,WRT)
- HSJ212 - Diversity & Inclusive Practices
- HSJ425 - Police, Race & Deadly Force Encounters: A Case Study Approach
- HTH313 - Healthcare for Aging Populations (Electives:WRT)
- MGT410 - Management of Organizational Behavior (Electives:WRT)
- PAS561 - Professionalism & Ethics in Physician Assistant Practice
- PAS571 - Medical Decision Making
- PHA461 - Professionalism & Ethics in Physician Assistant Practice
- PHA471 - Medical Decision Making
- PHL110 - Introduction to Philosophy (Electives:HUM,SSE)
- PHL210 - Ethics (Electives:HUM,SSE)
- PHL231 - Philosophy of Science & Religion
- PSC261 - International Relations (Electives:CUL,SSE)
- PSC402 - Terrorism, Civil War & Genocide (Electives:WRT)
- SOC311 - Sociology of Work & Culture (Electives:CUL,SSE)
- SOC321 - Ethnicity, Class & Status in the United States (Electives:CUL,SSE)
- SOC350 - The Wire: A Critical Analysis of the War on Drugs (Electives:CUL,SSE)
- SPA111 - Beginning Spanish I
- SPC301 - Organizational Communication (Electives:CMM,CUL)
- SPC302 - Intercultural Communication (Electives:CMM,CUL)