Automation Engineering Technology: Robotics & Automation

About this program
Robotics and automation push productivity to new levels. Will you push it even further? Will you solve tomorrow’s challenges with innovation and ease? The Automation Engineering Technology Robotics & Automation program is home to problem-solvers and independent thinkers. A community of creators with a drive to demand more from technology and from themselves. From electrical and electronics to mechatronics and robotics, students learn the ins and outs of complex automated systems used in the world of manufacturing. It doesn’t stop there. An understanding of vision systems, networking, and software applications rounds out the experience.

- Automation engineer
- Project engineer
- Controls engineer
At Penn College, we believe your educational experience should go beyond specialized skills. Real-world ready means taking a broader approach that builds communication skills, inspires collaboration, and encourages exploration of arts, history, and science.
Specialization requires in-depth knowledge and high-level proficiency. Students learn and apply major-specific concepts, skills, and methods.
- Engineering, Technology & Society (EET124)
- Introduction to Digital Electronics (EET114)
- Digital Circuits Applications (EET115)
- Electronic Circuits & Devices I (EET116)
- Introduction to Microprocessors (EET154)
- Microprocessor Applications I (EET155)
- Electronic Circuits & Devices II (EET156)
- Software Tools for the Engineering Technologist (EET158)
- Robotics & Fluid Power (EET246)
- Network Installation & Maintenance (EET204)
- Network Maintenance Laboratory (EET205)
- Systems Troubleshooting Applications (EET209)
- Introduction to Automation Control Concepts & Applications (EET248)
- Advanced Automation Control Concepts & Applications (EET258)
- Process Control Theory (EET254)
- Process Control Applications (EET255)
- Motion Control (EET256)
- Mechanical Power Transmission Systems (MET220)
- Equipment Installation & Commissioning (EET312)
- Computer Solutions of Engineering Problems (EET311)
- Measurement & Tests (EET320)
- Measurement & Tests Lab (EET321)
- Mechatronic System Maintenance (MET234)
- Automation Concepts & Applications (EET405)
- Advanced Automation Software (EET445)
- Automation Engineering Technology Internship (EET410)
- Engineering Ethics & Legal Issues (MET321)
- Robots & Vision Systems (EET444)
Perspectives are points of view, offering a variety of ways of understanding, interacting, and influencing the world. Students identify, explain, and utilize the approaches used by academics and professionals to study, analyze, or understand problems, and offer solutions.
Foundations are the practical, intellectual, and social skills: communication, collaboration, critical and ethical thinking, quantitative thinking, and technological literacy that are crucial to every student at every stage of education and at every stage of life.
- Engineering, Technology & Society (EET124)
- College Algebra & Trigonometry I (MTH181)
- Introduction to Digital Electronics (EET114)
- Digital Circuits Applications (EET115)
- Electronic Circuits & Devices I (EET116)
- English Composition I (ENL111)
- College Algebra & Trigonometry II (MTH183)
- Introduction to Microprocessors (EET154)
- Microprocessor Applications I (EET155)
- Electronic Circuits & Devices II (EET156)
- Software Tools for the Engineering Technologist (EET158)
- Robotics & Fluid Power (EET246)
- Technical & Professional Communication (ENL201)
- Network Installation & Maintenance (EET204)
- Network Maintenance Laboratory (EET205)
- Systems Troubleshooting Applications (EET209)
- Introduction to Automation Control Concepts & Applications (EET248)
- Advanced Automation Control Concepts & Applications (EET258)
- Process Control Theory (EET254)
- Process Control Applications (EET255)
- Motion Control (EET256)
- Fundamentals of Speech (SPC101)
- Equipment Installation & Commissioning (EET312)
- Computer Solutions of Engineering Problems (EET311)
- Measurement & Tests (EET320)
- Measurement & Tests Lab (EET321)
- Automation Concepts & Applications (EET405)
- Advanced Automation Software (EET445)
- Automation Engineering Technology Internship (EET410)
- Robots & Vision Systems (EET444)
Next steps...
You're on your way to becoming a tomorrow maker.
Maker Profiles
Tour Schedule
Seeing is believing.
Think Penn College might be a good fit for you? Make plans to visit and discover what hands-on learning is all about.
Lab Tour
Take a look inside the vast world of electronics and computer engineering. In this tour, you'll walk through several labs loaded with equipment. From conveyor systems, robots, and PLCs to oscilloscopes and microprocessor boards, you'll see it all.

Robotics Lab
Get hands-on experience in our specialized learning labs with industry-standard equipment like PLCs, Cognex cameras, Fanuc robots.