Engineering Design Technology
About this program
Successful product engineers and designers are critical thinkers with the ability to navigate all types of limitations. From the latest sneaker concepts to medical products and everything in between, the field of engineering design spans as wide as your interests. At Penn College, you’ll learn how to hone your problem-solving skills and collaborate with a team, using cutting-edge software to bring innovative concepts to life.

- Product designers
- Project leaders
- System designers
At Penn College, we believe your educational experience should go beyond specialized skills. Real-world ready means taking a broader approach that builds communication skills, inspires collaboration, and encourages exploration of arts, history, and science.
Specialization requires in-depth knowledge and high-level proficiency. Students learn and apply major-specific concepts, skills, and methods.
- Technical Drawing I (CCD103)
- Detailing I (CCD104)
- Technical Drawing II (CCD123)
- Detailing II (CCD124)
- AutoCAD - Comprehensive (CAD120)
- 3D Parametric Modeling Using Autodesk Inventor® (CAD122)
- Technical Drawing - Related Disciplines (CCD237)
- Engineering Drawing Dimension & Tolerance Specifications (CCD238)
- CAD Management & Customization (CAD247)
- 3D Parametric Modeling Using Creo Parametric® (CAD123)
- Engineering Production Drawings & Tool Design (CCD245)
- Design for Manufacturability (DSG325)
- Design Statics & Strength of Materials (DSG323)
- Lean Manufacturing & Quality Control (MET319)
- Finite Element Modeling & Validation (DSG326)
- Design Dynamics (DSG324)
- Engineering Economics (MET315)
- Engineering Ethics & Legal Issues (MET321)
- Product Design & Engineering Analysis (DSG421)
- 3D Rendering & Animation (DSG327)
- Senior Seminar-Lecture (DSG495)
- Specified Technical/Math Science Elective (BEN)
- Applied Product & Systems Design (DSG422)
- Design Colloquium (DSG424)
- Senior Seminar-Lab (DSG496)
Perspectives are points of view, offering a variety of ways of understanding, interacting, and influencing the world. Students identify, explain, and utilize the approaches used by academics and professionals to study, analyze, or understand problems, and offer solutions.
- Machine Tool Applications for Fabrication & Repair (MTT223)
- Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO111)
- College Physics I (PHS115) or
- General Physics I (PHS201)
- Lean Manufacturing & Quality Control (MET319)
- College Physics II (PHS125) or
- General Physics II (PHS202)
- Engineering Economics (MET315)
- History of Technology & Society (HIS262)
- Engineering Ethics & Legal Issues (MET321)
- Core Arts Perspective (ARP)
- Core Global & Cultural Diversity Perspective (CDP)
Foundations are the practical, intellectual, and social skills: communication, collaboration, critical and ethical thinking, quantitative thinking, and technological literacy that are crucial to every student at every stage of education and at every stage of life.
- Information, Technology & Society (CSC124)
- English Composition I (ENL111)
- College Algebra & Trigonometry I (MTH181)
- College Algebra & Trigonometry II (MTH183)
- Applied Calculus (MTH230) or
- Calculus I (MTH240)
- English Composition II (ENL121) or
- Technical & Professional Communication (ENL201)
- Fundamentals of Speech (SPC101)
Next steps...
You're on your way to becoming a tomorrow maker.

Engineering Design Lab
Cutting-edge CAD instruction within specialized computer and 3D printing labs prepares graduates for the future with a focus on parametric CAD and digital prototyping applications. AutoCAD®, Autodesk Inventor®, SolidWorks®, and Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/E) ® are used extensively in the program.

Rapid Prototyping Lab
Take ideas from the screen to real life in the rapid prototyping lab loaded host of additive manufacturing and reverse engineering equipment.