Jeffrey Feeman

  • Alumni
  • Engineering & Industrial Design Technology

Jeffery's technical skillset and a love for the performing arts led him to a career where he can be a part of creating a show like no other. 

Jeffrey Feeman
Student Experience

Setting the Stage

Jeffrey was the first graduate of Penn College's Industrial Design program. Using the technical skills learned in the program he went on to work for Sight & Sound Theatres as a scenic drafter. 

Read his story
Real-World Ready

Engineering inspiration

Jeffrey, along with three other Penn College graduates, found his calling at Sight & Sound Theatres, where audiences are awed by the on-stage results of their behind-the-scenes work.

Check out the video

“Penn College was definitely a great fit for me. The hands-on part was what really led me there, and getting that experience led me to where I am today.”

Jeffrey Feeman

Industrial Design


Engineering & Industrial Design Technology

The Industrial Design program, you’ll explore functionality, ergonomics, and aesthetics. Learn how to express concepts using rendering software. 

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