Effective 9/29/21, this program is no longer being offered. See replacement plan information below.
Surveying Technology

This program is no longer being offered
In response to diminishing enrollments, the associate degree in surveying technology is no longer being offered. Penn College is working on changes to the B.S. in Civil Engineering Technology that will provide an opportunity to pursue surveying licensure in Pennsylvania with a four-year Civil Engineering Technology degree. Please contact the School of Engineering Technologies with any questions.
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This major is subject to the transfer standards established by the College (see https://www.pct.edu/admissions/transfer/transferring-credits). Exceptions must be approved by the school dean.
Alternative Credit refers to academic credits earned through means other than traditional college course completion, including: credit by exam, articulation, proof of competency gained in high school, work/life experience, and advanced placement.
Visit the Alternative Credit Options page for requirements and procedures and for information on credit through Advanced Placement.
Prospective students should be aware that licensure requirements for work in this profession vary by state. The Surveying Technology program meets the educational requirements for licensure within the state of Pennsylvania. We have not determined if graduates of our program will be eligible for licensure in other states; therefore, students intending to seek employment in states other than PENNSYLVANIA are asked to contact the state licensing board of the state they wish to seek licensing to confirm that our program meets the requirements of the state where you intend to work. More information can be found on the the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) website .
Pennsylvania Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) Licensure:
- Surveying Technology A.A.S. graduates qualify to take the Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam — the first of three exams required for licensure in Pennsylvania. In addition, Civil Engineering Technology B.S. graduates may qualify to take the Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam with additional coursework. Current B.S. students will need to work with their academic advisor to plan accordingly.
- The second and third exam can only be taken after successfully completing the FS exam and gaining further work experience under the guidance of a licensed PLS as stipulated by the registration law.