
Registrar's Office

matches /students/registrar/dual-degrees ... percision: 3 of

Undergraduate students may enroll in dual (or multiple) degrees. A dual degree is two degree programs with significant non-duplicated course work (15 or more credits for an associate's degree or certificate; 30 or more for a bachelor's degree). Two diplomas are awarded.

Declaring a Dual Degree

Current Students

Current students wishing to declare a dual degree can do so through the Registrar’s Office. They must do so no later than the beginning of the last semester prior to graduation. Current students should read Policy and Procedure 4.20, Dual Degree , for details about declaring additional majors, eligibility requirements, restrictions, and academic standards.

Additional dual degree opportunities are available for after enrollment.

See All Elibigible Dual Degrees

Incoming Students

Although additional majors are typically declared after initial enrollment, some dual degree combinations work more seamlessly together if declared prior to scheduling the first semester. Those interested in pursuing one of these combinations can indicate their interest on the Application for Admission.

This information is provided as a summary of the Dual Degree Policy P4.20 and Procedure PR4.20.

Approved Dual Degrees for Incoming Students


Registrar's Office

matches /students/registrar/dual-degrees ... percision: 3 of