By Juli Reppert Student Writer/Photographer The Fall 2004 CoffeeHouse Series of musical performances at Pennsylvania College of Technology will begin Sept. 14 with acoustic guitarist Shevy Smith. The Tuesday performances are sponsored by the Office of Student Activities at Penn College and are held in the CoffeeHouse, located on the first floor of the Bush Campus Center.
Fall CoffeeHouse Series Starts Sept. 14 Published 09.01.2004 News Events Home Page contents By Juli Reppert Student Writer/Photographer The Fall 2004 CoffeeHouse Series of musical performances at Pennsylvania College of Technology will begin Sept. 14 with acoustic guitarist Shevy Smith. The Tuesday performances are sponsored by the Office of Student Activities at Penn College and are held in the CoffeeHouse, located on the first floor of the Bush Campus Center. All performances begin at 8 p.m. and are free …

By Juli Reppert Student Writer/Photographer Movies, filmmaking, dating and ghosts are among the remaining topics for the Fall 2004 Lecture Series at Pennsylvania College of Technology. The lectures are sponsored by the Office of Student Activities at Penn College. With one exception, they will be offered at Penn's Inn, located on the second floor of the Bush Campus Center, at 8 p.m. The Sept.
Fall 2004 Lecture Series Continues Sept. 16 With Brian O'Halloran Published 09.01.2004 News Events Home Page contents By Juli Reppert Student Writer/Photographer Movies, filmmaking, dating and ghosts are among the remaining topics for the Fall 2004 Lecture Series at Pennsylvania College of Technology. The lectures are sponsored by the Office of Student Activities at Penn College. With one exception, they will be offered at Penn's Inn, located on the second floor of the Bush Campus Center, at 8 p.m. The …

Pennsylvania College of Technology's North Campus will offer a 124-hour noncredit nursing assistant course, beginning Oct. 5. Classes and clinical training are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays through Nov. 30. Classes are held at the North Campus, located on Route 6 between Wellsboro and Mansfield. Clinical training is provided at the Green Home on Central Avenue, Wellsboro.
North Campus to Offer Noncredit Nursing Assistant Course Published 09.01.2004 News Home Page contents Pennsylvania College of Technology's North Campus will offer a 124-hour noncredit nursing assistant course, beginning Oct. 5. Classes and clinical training are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays through Nov. 30. Classes are held at the North Campus, located on Route 6 between Wellsboro and Mansfield. Clinical training is provided at the Green Home on Central Avenue, Wellsboro. Students completing the …

During her first three years as coach of the Pennsylvania College of Technology women's volleyball team, Bambi Hawkins saw slow but steady improvement. Last season, the Lady Wildcats turned the corner by posting their first winning season ever, 10-5, and reaching the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference playoffs for the first time.
Penn College Hopes for Breakout Women's Volleyball Season Published 09.01.2004 News Athletics Home Page contents During her first three years as coach of the Pennsylvania College of Technology women's volleyball team, Bambi Hawkins saw slow but steady improvement. Last season, the Lady Wildcats turned the corner by posting their first winning season ever, 10-5, and reaching the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference playoffs for the first time. At the end of the season, Hawkins said, "We have some …

Coach Mike Paulhamus enters his fifth season at the helm of the Pennsylvania College of Technology cross country teams with a men's squad that looks for continued success and a women's squad that is rebuilding.
Men Appear Set, Women Rebuilding in Cross Country Published 09.01.2004 News Athletics Home Page contents Coach Mike Paulhamus enters his fifth season at the helm of the Pennsylvania College of Technology cross country teams with a men's squad that looks for continued success and a women's squad that is rebuilding. Returning on the men's side from last year's team that finished 22-16 overall, including 13-0 in the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference where it won that championship and also the …

During last year's regular season, the Pennsylvania College of Technology women's soccer team breezed past Luzerne County Community College twice, scoring shutouts each time. So, when it met Luzerne in the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference playoff semifinals one would have expected the same result. But the tables were turned, and Penn College went out of the playoffs, a 2-0 loser.
Women's Soccer Team Has Unfinished Business Published 09.01.2004 News Athletics Home Page contents During last year's regular season, the Pennsylvania College of Technology women's soccer team breezed past Luzerne County Community College twice, scoring shutouts each time. So, when it met Luzerne in the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference playoff semifinals one would have expected the same result. But the tables were turned, and Penn College went out of the playoffs, a 2-0 loser. "We looked past …

The Web Development team, part of the Office of College Information & Community Relations, issues these reminders to College departments that have Web sites: 1. All departments should review their sites regularly, checking to make sure that all content is current and accurate. Departments might also want to review the College's Web Style Guide . 2.
Web Team Issues Reminders About Site Updates Published 09.01.2004 News Announcements Home Page contents The Web Development team, part of the Office of College Information & Community Relations, issues these reminders to College departments that have Web sites: 1. All departments should review their sites regularly, checking to make sure that all content is current and accurate. Departments might also want to review the College's Web Style Guide . 2. Any department requiring assistance with changing …

Faculty, are students "getting" your class? Find out with a 25-minute checkup. Dr. Henryk R. Marcinkiewicz, associate vice president for academic affairs, will come to your class in your absence and ask your students three simple questions. They will go through a group decision process and he will share the results with you.
Faculty Feedback Available to Gauge Students' Grasp Published 08.31.2004 News Faculty & Staff Home Page contents Faculty, are students "getting" your class? Find out with a 25-minute checkup. Dr. Henryk R. Marcinkiewicz, associate vice president for academic affairs, will come to your class in your absence and ask your students three simple questions. They will go through a group decision process and he will share the results with you. This is a time-tested technique done at hundreds of institutions around …

In-house faculty training is being offered in Finite Element Analysis, a computer-based technique that can perform a wide variety of mechanical and electrical analyses of complex objects.
Faculty Training Available in Finite Element Analysis Published 08.31.2004 News Faculty & Staff Home Page contents In-house faculty training is being offered in Finite Element Analysis, a computer-based technique that can perform a wide variety of mechanical and electrical analyses of complex objects. In this course, faculty will learn how to use an FEA program called Algor to perform stress and thermal analyses.The course will use Algor's CAD interface; no CAD experience is required.However, the class …

In most college athletic programs, freshmen seldom work their way into the starting lineup. Not so for the Pennsylvania College of Technology men's soccer team. In fact, they are counted on heavily. "With no more than six or seven returnees each season, the quality of our freshmen players tends to make or break the team," said coach Andy Richardson. Last season was a good example.
Men's Soccer Team Relying on Freshman Talent Published 08.30.2004 News Athletics Home Page contents In most college athletic programs, freshmen seldom work their way into the starting lineup. Not so for the Pennsylvania College of Technology men's soccer team. In fact, they are counted on heavily. "With no more than six or seven returnees each season, the quality of our freshmen players tends to make or break the team," said coach Andy Richardson. Last season was a good example. Penn College returned only …