Penn College News

Tie-Dye Event Helps Keep Campus 'in the Pink'

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tie-dyed shirts hang on the Athletic Field fence, drying in the early-evening sun.A friendly frog created by volleyball coach Bambi Hawkins is displayed by her daughter, Caroline.Nathaniel J. Fritter, of Auburn, a building construction technology major who plans to enlist in the Army, brought fatigues to tie-dye in honor of family members already in military service. Lending a hand are Lady Wildcats Caitlyn A. Curley, a pre-nursing student from Middletown (left), and Courtney L. Gernert, a graphic design major from Palmyra. (Photo by volleyball coach Bambi A. Hawkins)Their soon-to-be-dyed T-shirts slung over their shoulders, students enjoy some "face time" with the college mascot.Members of the women's volleyball team – using forks, rubber bands and assorted techniques to effect unique designs – prepare shirts to be dipped in pink dye.Those lacking in tinted tees for Penn College's breast-cancer awareness efforts brought shirts (and other items) to Thursday evening's Pink Out Tie Dye event behind the Field House, where members of the women's volleyball teams helped prep the clothes for dipping into buckets of dye.