Penn College News

President News Articles

Displaying 21 - 30 of 359 results (page 3 of 36)

The 37th Annual Penn College Foundation Golf Classic, featuring eight-time PGA Tour and nine-time PGA Tour Champions winner Fred Funk, raised $104,215 for student scholarships at Pennsylvania College of Technology.

The summer's opening New Student Orientation session delivered a one-day blast of essential tools Thursday to incoming first-year students and their families.

Pennsylvania College of Technology's hands-on role in two community-enhancement projects was cited Wednesday by President Michael J. Reed, who also spoke before the State Transportation Commission on the region's ongoing need for dependable commercial airline service.

Pennsylvania College of Technology’s Board of Directors has approved a 2023-24 operating budget of $122.1 million that holds the line on tuition costs for students.

The Center for Rural Pennsylvania Board of Directors heard testimony at Pennsylvania College of Technology on Thursday morning about rural workforce availability and population change.

The state Senate Majority Policy Committee held a hearing Wednesday afternoon at Pennsylvania College of Technology, exploring workforce challenges in rural Pennsylvania. Chaired by Sen. Dan Laughlin (R-Erie), the hearing addressed population decline and labor and housing shortages, as well as their economic impact on communities and businesses.

Pennsylvania College of Technology held three commencements at the Community Arts Center on May 12-13 for nearly 775 students who fulfilled academic requirements during the Spring 2023 semester.

Twelve students graduating in this weekend's three Spring Commencement ceremonies were honored Thursday night during the Excellence in Student Leadership and Service Awards Ceremony in Le Jeune Chef Restaurant.

Awards were presented to noteworthy Pennsylvania College of Technology faculty and staff on May 11, among a number of long-established milestones as the 2022-23 academic year comes to a close. President Michael J. Reed celebrated the honorees during an all-college meeting, held in the Klump Academic Center Auditorium and livestreamed.

When the Wildcat baseball team embarked Wednesday for the conference playoffs at Penn State Harrisburg, the bus was filled with teammates and coaches, focus and confidence ... and more than a dozen new Penn College alumni.