Penn College News

Innovation & STEM Articles

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The largest alumni gift in the history of Pennsylvania College of Technology has manufactured a new machining lab that will benefit students for generations. A $1 million-plus donation from alumnus Larry Ward financed the revamping of the 14,299-square-foot facility, one of the oldest instructional spaces on campus.

Students majoring in one of five manufacturing-related degrees are benefiting from a gift to Pennsylvania College of Technology, featured in a YouTube video. Larry A. Ward, founder of Packaging Progressions Inc., made a donation exceeding $1 million to revamp the college's machining lab – the largest alumni gift in the college's history.

Curiosity drives Fletcher Ewing. As a kid, it drove him to build and race Soap Box Derby cars. As a college student, it led him to study plastics. As a professional, it inspires him to “shoot for the moon.” The 1998 Pennsylvania College of Technology graduate and Selinsgrove native is a senior mechanical engineer in Silicon Valley for X, The Moonshot Factory.

Ten students embarking on their first semester at Pennsylvania College of Technology have been chosen as Built Environment Scholars in a program that rewards academic talent in science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related career fields.

With support from the National Science Foundation, Pennsylvania College of Technology recently “manufactured” a weeklong educational experience for 13 high school teachers and school counselors from throughout the state.

Two active Penn College students have each been selected to receive a $1,350 award from the Student Leader Legacy Scholarship, established by the Student Government Association in 2007 to encourage and reward student leaders by easing their tuition costs. The 2019-20 recipients, revealed in a YouTube video by outgoing SGA President Patrick C. Ferguson, are Sophia G.

Pennsylvania College of Technology students proved their workforce acumen by earning industry certifications related to computer-aided design. The students – representing three majors from the School of Engineering Technologies – passed exams dedicated to SolidWorks, a prominent 3D CAD software tool.

A faculty member's contribution to the COVID-19 fight, using the same 3D printing technology through which he teaches students in his manufacturing labs, was featured on Newswatch 16's Monday broadcasts. WNEP journalist Nikki Krize remotely interviewed Eric K.

As the developer of Pennsylvania College of Technology's additive manufacturing curriculum, Eric K. Albert has preached to his students for years about the ingenuity facilitated by 3D printing. A few months from retirement, he's proving his point by responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 1,500 fifth-graders from local and regional school districts took part in Wednesday’s ninth annual Science Festival at Penn College, encouraged by presenters, sponsors and vendors to dive hands-first into a sea of possibility.