Making an impact with ‘Kindness & Leadership’

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Penn College News

Making an impact with ‘Kindness & Leadership’

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Student leader Samir Pringle takes his turn with the Tomorrow Makers podcast, sharing his perspectives in the hopes of inspiring his peers. In “Kindness & Leadership,” the Penn College business administration student from Philadelphia explains why he chose a small school with small class sizes. “I got accepted to a lot of great schools within Philadelphia, but my biggest fear was that I would get lost among the crowd,” Pringle shares. As a Lenfest scholar, senior resident assistant, vice president of finance for the Student Government Association, orientation leader and admissions tour guide, to say he has found his way and made an impact at Penn College is an understatement.

Pringle has definitely maximized his campus experience and, at the same time, knows the value of small acts – how giving just a few minutes to help a fellow student can be a big boost. “Whether it's just having one conversation with someone or connecting two people or just playing bingo with someone or playing chess or just doing some of the most random stuff, people really appreciate time,” he says. “You giving 30 seconds, 30 minutes, an hour of your time to someone … is very, very impactful.”

This changemaker also offers insights on the hands-on aspects of his business major brimming with young entrepreneurs; the most-asked question on a college tour (“How’s the food?”); and the welcoming culture on the Penn College campus (“Everyone's just super nice.”) He also unveils his best advice for young students: Be kind. Take your time. Continue to learn.

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