Penn College News

Student medley of fall delights

Friday, December 20, 2024

Photos by Matt Deane, student photographer

Everyone loves leftovers, right? As we close out Fall 2024, here are a few events photographed this semester by student photographer Matt B. Deane, who is graduating in mechatronics technology. 

Two of these events were new: "Pickle(d) Party" on National Pickle Day and "Hunt for Housing," hosted by off-campus landlords. Two others are annual affairs: Dining Services' "Friendsgiving" (formerly called "Thanksgiving Dinner") and "Casino Night" – a veritable smorgasbord of student amusement.

A brave soul dives into the Pickle(d) Party, hosted by the Office of Student Engagement in the lobby of the Bush Campus Center.

On the menu: kimchi, pickled vegetables, pickled cucumbers, shrimp escabeche and pastrami with pickled cabbage

An array of culinary delights to explore ...

... and fun facts on the side!

Jerri Rupert (on right) with Dyer Housing is among the off-campus landlords engaging students in the "Hunt for Housing" event, held in Dauphin Hall.

Held over two nights, "Hunt for Housing" attracted 156 attendees who conversed with landlords and Residence Life staff.

Landlords enjoyed connecting with Penn College students, and a total of 72 contracts were submitted during the event. This smiling duo represented Kimble Realty.

Per usual, Dining Services offered a delicious pre-Thanksgiving feast for students ...

... featuring all the standard comfort food ...

... and, of course, pumpkin pie to top it off!

Held in the Thompson Professional Development Center, Casino Night is a popular, annual event.

Betting on a fun night with friends!

Let the chips fall where they may.

We've got a couple of high rollers: Ralph R. Courtright III (left) and Cameron S. Musser. Courtright, working the event as a student engagement assistant, is a construction management student from Milford. Musser is an engineering design technology major from Gilbertsville.