Penn College News

Campus overflows with autumn splendor

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Photos by Rob Hinkal, social media specialist

Students and faculty are enjoying their Fall Break, a four-day weekend before jumping into the second half of the semester, and it seems an ideal time to pause and enjoy the autumn glory that abounds on Pennsylvania College of Technology's campus. Enjoy these slivers of sunshine and seasonal splendor, captured by the creative eye of Rob Hinkal, social media specialist. 

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”  ~ Emily Brontë

The antique truck water feature overflows with beauty.
Nature's glory
Autumn hues are even cast on glass ...
... and the sides of campus buildings.
The artful play of sunshine and reflections
A Wildcat way
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." ~ L.M. Montgomery in "Anne of Green Gables"
Reminders of harvest
Although on Fall Break now, students will return to classes on Monday ...
... and the parking lots will be full again.