Middle-schoolers bring inquisitive energy to day camp
Monday, July 15, 2024
Photos by Alexandra Butler, photographer/photo editor
This summer’s second week of My Tomorrow camp (July 8-12) rolled out a range of hands-on explorations for middle-schoolers. Sponsored by the Soars Family, Penn College’s interactive day camp engages students entering grades 6-8 in a variety of educational pathways sure to lead to promising tomorrows. Add in fun, food and friendship, and it’s an ideal combination for career considerations.

Limbering up their limbs and stretching their curiosity in the physical therapy assistant lab

Campers get their game on with "Disaster Jeopardy," enthusiastically led by William A. Schlosser, instructor of emergency management & homeland security.

A campus celebrity joins the "wild(cat) pack" of campers.

High energy in surgical technology

The fun of physics is explored with the guidance of Joseph E. LeBlanc, assistant professor of physics.

Just our type! Participants learn about typography from Kathryn M. Anderson (on right), graphic design instructor.

Hands on for tomorrow