Penn College News

Serving up smiles, stress-free fun

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Photos by Kaylena Harris, student marketing assistant, and Dining Services staff Noelle B. Bloom, Danna M. Brooks & Amy S. Lingg

Business administration students Cruz Nagle and Cali Mahoney are among the satisfied customers at Midnight Breakfast, a Penn College tradition of free food and fun.

Over 650 students descended on Capitol Eatery in Dauphin Hall last week to partake in a favorite Penn College campus tradition – Midnight Breakfast. Fueling the body before finals week, the free event offered pancakes and ice cream with toppings such as chocolate syrup, cherries, sprinkles and more. Serving up the food and fun were several members of the college’s leadership staff, including representatives from the President’s Office, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Campus Police, Residence Life and Dining Services. Students also took a few minutes to relax in a bank of massage chairs and indulge in cuddles with the college’s “celebrity” golden retrievers – therapy dogs Winnie and Indy.

Prior to Midnight Breakfast, Dining Services hosted a Beach Party to kick off the countdown the finals. Roasted pig, jerk chicken, foot-long hot dogs, crab fries and pineapple dole whip were just a few items on the menu at Capitol Eatery, which was decked out in a beachy décor.

In the days leading up to finals, Capitol Eatery offered other tasty delights where students could get creative with making their own bubble tea drinks, s’mores nachos, banana splits, granola snack boxes and root beer floats. During finals week, free study-break treats have been available, such as donuts and coffee, milk and cookies, pizza and soda, and dessert nachos.

Navigating finals never tasted so good!

Long lines fill Capitol Eatery for the late-night attraction.
Pausing for a photo op
Service with a smile: college President Michael J. Reed steps up to the plate.
M-m-m-m-massage chairs are a popular addition.
Pennsylvania plus pancakes? Perfection!
Pre-finals joy fills each table.
A delicious overload
Everyone loves free prizes!
Penn College Chief of Police David C. Pletz (left) and Timothy J. Mallery, interim director of residence life and student conduct, join forces.
Also offering an assist: Jennifer McLean (left), dean of students, and Tanya Berfield, director of student advocacy and Title IX coordinator.
Seemingly endless ice cream ...
... and a bowl full of cherries!
Student leaders enjoy the momentary pause in activity.
Sweet anticipation ...
... and sprinkles on top!
A dynamic duo pitches in: Joanna K. Flynn (on right), vice president for academic affairs and provost, and Anthony J. Pace, associate vice president for enrollment & academic operations.
A sign of the tantalizing times
Therapy dogs on duty (their human is retired civil engineering faculty member, Drew Potts)
The self-service dessert bar dishes up smiles.
This "kitchen crew" serves students every day.
Rolling into finals week
Prior to Midnight Breakfast, Capitol Eatery hosted a Beach Party, and Yvonne Lentz (left), dining services worker, and Kristine Rainey, dining services leader, dressed for the occasion.
Nutter Butter flip-flops are always a crowd favorite
Pulled pork, crab cakes, foot-long hot dogs, jerk chicken and more on the Beach Party buffet
Among the other treats leading up to finals: yogurt, fruit, granola and other toppings ...
... are ready for students to make their own "power bento boxes."
Rori Walker, a landscape/plant production technology major, approves of the "bubble tea" offerings.
Banana splits and dessert nachos are also on the Dining Services' menu in the always-colorful Capitol Eatery.