The hangar was hoppin'!
Friday, April 26, 2024
Photos by Cindy D. Meixel, writer/editor-Penn College News
The hangar glows as students enjoy the ever-popular cornhole game at the college's Lumley Aviation Center, the setting for the first Aviators Ball.
A first for the Lumley Aviation Center and Penn College students – an Aviators Ball was held recently, drawing more than 100 students to the college’s facility at the Williamsport Regional Airport in Montoursville. The semi-formal affair, sponsored by the Student Veteran Organization, featured music, food, photo ops, activities and connection with fellow students.
Getting the ball rolling was Alicia “Marti” Martinez, of Allentown, an Air Force veteran who is a senior in aviation maintenance technology. As president of the Student Veteran Organization, Martinez enlisted assistance from her fellow members, the approval of aviation faculty and the support of the Student Government Association. Then, Sigma Pi fraternity pitched in with a music D.J. and brought along numerous brothers and their guests. Sigma Pi's social chairman, Ryan J. Bannan, a mechatronics student from Honey Brook, said, "All it took was some communication, and here with are!"
The spring night offered slightly chilly, windy and cloudy weather, but spirits were high and the promoted “unforgettable evening” was definitely landed.
A night out on the ... tarmac!
A unique dining experience!
The student who started it all: Air Force veteran and aviation maintenance technology student Alicia “Marti” Martinez, of Allentown ...
... and members of the Student Veteran Organization, organizers of the Aviators Ball, bookended by veterans services staff Chet Beaver (at left) and Katie C. Burke (on right).
It's not a Penn College gathering without cornhole!
Sigma Pi brother and D.J. Ethan S. Hileman (at center) is joined by friends in the "D.J. booth" atop the hangar. Hileman, of Altoona, is enrolled in heating, ventilation & air conditioning technology.
Another view of the heights of Hileman's perch
Bringing the sparkle! Liam N. Powell, an aviation maintenance technology student from Mountain Top, is dressed to impress.
Photo ops with plane props!
The sun sets on the Aviation Center and its full parking lot.
Having fun at the "photo booth" are Stephen J. Kougoures Jr. and Emily Fink. Kougoures is a welding & fabrication engineering technology major from Chester, M.D., and Fink, of Jersey Shore, is in human services & restorative justice.
Flowers and photos accent the evening.
J.J. Rice and his girlfriend, Arianna, strike a pose. An automotive technology student from Orefield, Rice is in the Army National Guard.
Pointing to his pizza, the wingman behind those sunglasses is: Steven M. Gautsch, an aviation maintenance technology student from East Berlin, Pa.
This lab never looked so stylish!
On the front side of the building, the hangar lights up the night. (And it's too bad you can't hear this photo because the house was rockin'!)