Penn College News

Video refresh shares growing field of landscape/plant production

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Just in time for spring, enjoy this update to the Landscape/Plant Production Virtual Video. Refreshing!

Carl J. Bower Jr., assistant professor of horticulture, takes viewers on a “tour” of this dynamic program at Pennsylvania College of Technology. Explore the college’s expansive Schneebeli Earth Science Center complete with several greenhouses, a five-acre arboretum and 400+ acres of woodland space. See how landscape/plant production technology students get outside, get connected to the industry, fellow students and the community, and get engaged with the latest in design software and growing techniques. This Associate of Applied Science degree combines the best of landscape and plant production and gives students the hands-on application of the art and the science of horticulture.  

"That's why students come here. They want to learn how to grow, how to maintain, how to design. And we can do all that," Bower cites.