Penn College News

'Authenticity & Self Care'

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

With "ease and grace," the latest episode of the Tomorrow Makers podcast delves into "Authenticity & Self Care" with Tanya Berfield, director of student advocacy and Title IX coordinator. 

Tanya shares the perspectives that drive her work at Penn College and her personal engagement as an empowerment coach. She also offers practical tips on a range of topics, including mindfulness, emotional intelligence and healthy boundaries. (Be sure to stay tuned for the short, confidence-boosting "Stand Tall" exercise!)

Her down-to-earth approach is accessible, exuding integrity and gratitude. Press play, relax and enjoy this heartfelt episode.

And while you're here, Tanya recommends: "Do something nice for somebody today. When you do something nice – and it does not have to be huge – if you hold a door, if you provide a smile, if you give a compliment, that changes your energy because you made somebody else feel better. And when you change their energy, you change your energy. So do something nice for someone today."

Email your ideas and suggestions for future topics.