Northern Ireland college group engages in cultural exchange
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Photos by Cindy D. Meixel, writer/editor-Penn College News (unless otherwise noted)

The 14 representatives of North West Regional College pose for a group photo prior to their departure from Northern Ireland. They will spend nearly two weeks in Williamsport, engaged at Pennsylvania College of Technology and in the surrounding area. (Photo courtesy of Bronagh Fikri, European & international projects officer at NWRC.)
On Tuesday, 12 students and two faculty from Northern Ireland’s North West Regional College spent their first full day on Pennsylvania College of Technology’s campus getting a glimpse of the labs and social spaces they will call “home” for the next two weeks.
For the second consecutive year, a contingent from NWRC is engaging in a cultural exchange with Penn College. This year’s group includes six students studying cyber security and six students studying engineering. They are chaperoned by Violet Toland, cyber security (computing and information technology) curriculum lead, and Richard Duffy, advanced manufacturing/smart manufacturing/engineering lecturer. The visitors will be immersed in Penn College's hallmark hands-on learning and enjoying area sights until their return trip on April 16.
Their introduction served up a buffet lunch in Le Jeune Chef Restaurant. Joining the welcome meal were: Joanna K. Flynn, vice president for academic affairs and provost; Anthony J. Pace, associate vice president for enrollment and academic operations; Bradley M. Webb, dean of engineering technologies; Kimberly R. Cassel, college relations director; and Sue A. Mahaffey, manager of special projects & planning: enrollment & academic operations. Following a tour of various labs in the School of Engineering Technologies, the day concluded with a wrap-up in the Student Organization Center in Bush Campus Center.
Watch Penn College News for a summary of this international engagement.

Flynn welcomes the group in Le Jeune Chef. Standing at left is Pace, who along with Mahaffey is leading coordination of the visit.

After long hours of travel, a delicious meal is just the ticket! The students are joined in the buffet line by Webb (in teal shirt).

In the Student Organization Center, the visitors pause for a group photo (many holding their new Penn College water bottles). Duffy is fourth from left; Toland is in the center.

Before they board a bus returning them to their downtown hotel accommodations, the six engineering students enjoy billiards in CC Commons.