Penn College News

Daisy do-gooders stock college Cupboard

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Photos courtesy of Alicia C. Dobbs, troop leader and Children's Learning Center staff

Delivering their donations to one of the "mini-cupboards" on campus are these members of local Girl Scout Troop 62019. The Cupboard supports Penn College students experiencing food insecurity.

Local Girl Scout Troop 62019 demonstrated kindness recently by donating items to The Cupboard, Penn College’s food pantry supporting students experiencing food insecurity.

With 2024 marking 40 years of the Girl Scouts’ “Daisy” level (grades K-1), the troop’s “Daisies” had the goal of collecting 40 items for The Cupboard. The girls and their families ending up gathering 70 items to donate to the food pantry that serves Penn College students. The items included snacks, eggs, milk, bread, bananas and soups. They also donated shampoo, body wash and pencils. Of course, Girl Scout cookies were part of the bounty!

“Our troop loves doing community outreach and learning how they can make a difference in the lives of others,” said Alicia C. Dobbs, troop leader and a childcare provider in the Dunham Children’s Learning Center at Penn College.

The Cupboard’s main facility is housed in the Bush Campus Center, with six satellite sites (or "mini-cupboards") strategically situated across the college’s campuses (four on main campus and one each at the Lumley Aviation Center and the Schneebeli Earth Science Center). 

All donations to The Cupboard should be coordinated ahead of time by emailing