Penn College News

Students chill (and warm up) with array of colorful activities

Thursday, January 25, 2024

January has been jumpin' on Pennsylvania College of Technology's campus despite wintry weather, and students are taking advantage of many evening opportunities to "chill" (and warm up). 

Turning any Arctic blast into a good ol' blast, Student Engagement events like Weekly Campus Bingo, Sip & Paint, and a Lego Brick Building Contest have kept Wildcats entertained and connected in creative, colorful ways. In addition to the ever-popular bingo each Tuesday night in CC Commons, a Grocery Bingo was held in the Field House to support The Cupboard, the campus food pantry for students facing food insecurity.

Student photographer and mechatronics student Matt Deane enjoyed capturing a few of the memorable moments that marked the start of 2024.

Collecting those ever-important bingo chips at check-in
Weekly bingo always draws an enthusiastic crowd to CC Commons.
Bingo AND billiards!
The bingo king! Kellor A. Schooley, business administration, calls the numbers. An engagement assistant for the Office of Student Engagement, Schooley shared, "I genuinely love to host bingo. I love hanging out with everyone and truly just having a good time. And, hey, free stuff!"
An array of prizes on display
CC Commons provides a comfortable and colorful venue.
Adeptly juggling bingo chip and billiards stick is Brice L. Hall, aviation maintenance technology.
Griffin D. Ross, welding technology, plays along with the camera ...
... and then turns the lens on student photographer Matt Deane.
Raising a glass to more than a century of education on this site
Christie R. Baldwin, a senior in heating, ventilation & air conditioning technology, is a bit cool on the camera.
Adam C. Moyer, heating, ventilation & air conditioning technology, fills his card.
Finalists for the big prize battle it off with "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to determine the winner.
And we have a winner! Appropriately enough for a cold January, Kyler L. Zimmerman goes home with a Penn College blanket. He is enrolled in network & user support.
Revving their creative engines, students start their Lego vehicles in the Bush Campus Center TV Lounge.
The Lego Brick Building Contest stages a masterful mess ...
... that leads to constructive creations.
Entries line up for inspection.
Sip & Paint is held in an arts classroom on the second floor of the Campus Center.
Dominick P. Bozza, business management, is among the evening's eager artists.
With materials and mocktails provided, friends only need to bring their creativity to the canvas.
A study in concentration
Human services & restorative justice student Katheryn "Kat" Cline steps up to the palette.
Another colorful evening inside (while winter white overlays the outside).
Held in the Field House, Grocery Bingo offers an opportunity to support The Cupboard.
With a donation to the campus food pantry, players receive a second bingo card.
Game on!
Cierra D. Miller can't contain her excitement or competitive spirit. The Wildcat soccer player is enrolled in welding & fabrication engineering technology.
On this evening, a classic game beats today's technology.
A player clears the cards for another round of Field House frivolity.
Ever at the helm, steering the bingo ship: Captain Schooley. The student leader says he'd like to host charity bingos after he graduates.