Penn College News

The calm between the storms

Friday, January 19, 2024

The tempest that began as a fluffy dusting overnight and stubbornly unfurled a Tuesday blanket several inches thick  – and with more ushering in the weekend – was met by some with gripes and groans.

Despite winter's all-too-frequent appearance as a literary metaphor for adversity and flat-out hardship, however, one needn't dig too deep to uncover the silver lining beneath each mound of snow.

Student photographer Conor P. Fry found such beauty in his journey across campus, shared here as a reminder of the season's breathtaking offerings. As noted by John Steinbeck, another traveler who poetically documented his observations, “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?” 

General Services-cleared sidewalks lead the way southward from West Third Street through the campus mall.
General Services-cleared sidewalks lead the way southward from West Third Street through the campus mall.
Newly fallen snow accents the oldest building at Penn College, nestling among the limbs of the Zelkova trees that guard the Klump Academic Center.
Newly fallen snow accents the oldest building at Penn College, nestling among the limbs of the Zelkova trees that guard the Klump Academic Center.
A frosty coating outside the welding labs validates this motorcycle's status as one of the coolest attractions on campus.
A frosty coating outside the welding labs validates this motorcycle's status as one of the coolest attractions on campus.
"Student Bodies" stand frozen in the hush ...
"Student Bodies" stand frozen in the hush ...
... except for this feisty so-and-so, seemingly itching for snowball combat.
... except for this feisty so-and-so, seemingly itching for snowball combat.
"Triad," a stainless steel sculpture outside Le Jeune Chef Restaurant, glisteningly reflects the surrounding scene.
"Triad," a stainless steel sculpture outside Le Jeune Chef Restaurant, glisteningly reflects the surrounding scene.
Student-designed and -built ... and enhanced by nature's touch.
Student-designed and -built ... and enhanced by nature's touch.
Evergreen branches hardily carry the weight of winter.
Evergreen branches hardily carry the weight of winter.
The nation's colors, flying high near the Davie Jane Gilmour Center, dramatically contrast with the near-monochromatic landscape.
The nation's colors, flying high near the Davie Jane Gilmour Center, dramatically contrast with the near-monochromatic landscape.
Icicles hang from the Hager Lifelong Education Center.
Icicles hang from the Hager Lifelong Education Center.