Penn College News

'The Value of Career Design'

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

"The Value of Career Design"

The co-hosts of Penn College's "Tomorrow Makers" podcast waste no time getting this new year rolling, diving head-first into 2024 and an exploration of "The Value of Career Design." 

Lend an ear as Sumer Beatty and Carlos Ramos talk with Lizze R. Winters, career and professional programming manager, about the process of designing a career, maintaining a work-life balance, assessing the role that values play, and understanding why return on investment matters.

It's custom-fitted content for high school students unsure about their career paths, parents wishing to help their up-and-coming graduates or employees ready for a change. And all the audience has to do is practice one of the Winters' tips: listening.

"We live in a society where everything is fed to us very rapidly, and we almost kind of expect answers to come to us," she says. "But I think then we lose sight of how important it can be to engage others and start that conversation."

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