Penn College News

Support from others spurs construction student's belief in herself

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

 Lizeth V. Reyes-Becerra
Lizeth V. Reyes-Becerra

Every now and then, we all need someone in our corner to remind us of our value. When Lizeth V. Reyes-Becerra has those moments, her thoughts turn to those who have tangibly shown their confidence in her tomorrow-making abilities.

Reyes-Becerra, of Erie, earned an associate degree in May 2022 in building construction technology and is pursuing a bachelor's in residential construction technology & management. She has served several terms as president of the Penn College Construction Association, and is among the students sharing their gratitude this week as part of College Relations' annual "Give Thanks, Paw It Forward" campaign.

“Through various scholarships throughout my academic career, I was able to pursue an education and travel across the country to experience life-changing internships," she said. "When I felt like I was not enough, I always remembered that multiple individuals out there invested in my education and saw the potential in me, and I could not give up on them because they knew I could do it.”