Penn College News

Pumpkin contest displays students' 'Solid' grasp of material

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Photos provided

The Engineering & Industrial Design Technology Department recently held its annual SolidWorks Pumpkin Carving Contest, a fall favorite in which first-year students "carve" virtual jack-o'-lanterns with computer software and unbridled imagination.

Three winners were selected in each of two sections of Technical Drawing I taught by Katherine A. Walker and Craig A. Miller, assistant professors of engineering design technology:

CCD103-104 Section 01 (Walker's class)
First: Josh L. Tiemann, of Fleetwood
Second: Ellen E. Buckley, of Binghamton, N.Y.
Third: Jarod R. Koleno, Morrisdale

CCD103-104 Section 02 (Miller's class)
First: Dallas N. Phillips, of Wyckoff, N.J.
Second: Camden J. Gormont, of Frenchville
Third: Evan D. Schoettle, of Richboro

Buckley is an industrial design student; all of the others are enrolled in engineering design technology.

A Wildcat water bottle went to Tiemann's first-place effort, which adds dimension to the logo for the Alice in Chains rock band.
A Wildcat water bottle went to Tiemann's first-place effort, which adds dimension to the logo for the Alice in Chains rock band.
A ship sails the ghostly waters of College Avenue Labs, buoyed by Buckley's creativity.
A ship sails the ghostly waters of College Avenue Labs, buoyed by Buckley's creativity.
Koleno celebrates his third-prize: a Penn College T-shirt (and bragging rights).
Koleno celebrates his third-prize: a Penn College T-shirt (and bragging rights).
"The force is strong with this one!" A lightsaber's glow eerily illuminates a stormtrooper in Phillips' winning "Star Wars"-themed entry.
"The force is strong with this one!" A lightsaber's glow eerily illuminates a stormtrooper in Phillips' winning "Star Wars"-themed entry.
A duck hunter and his patient retriever are brought to silhouetted life through Gormont's second-place design.
A duck hunter and his patient retriever are brought to silhouetted life through Gormont's second-place design.
Schoettle snagged third place by invoking the "bat signal" to face down a sinister nemesis.
Schoettle snagged third place by invoking the "bat signal" to face down a sinister nemesis.