Penn College News

Campus family’s service acknowledged for Veterans Day

Thursday, November 9, 2023

"The Rock" near the Bush Campus Center was painted in camo colors by the Penn College Student Veterans Organization (a chapter of Student Veterans of America) for this year's Veterans Week events.
"The Rock" near the Bush Campus Center was painted in camo colors by the Penn College Student Veterans Organization (a chapter of Student Veterans of America) for this year's Veterans Week events.

On this Veterans Day weekend, Penn College News honors the students, alumni, faculty and staff who have selflessly served (or continue to serve) their country.

Pennsylvania College of Technology's commitment to its veteran population was reaffirmed this year with national recognition by Military Times and U.S. News & World Report.

Members of the college community are encouraged to join in acknowledging these colleagues, who are among those to whom we pay tribute:


Roger D. Bohner Jr., manufacturing engineering technology; Army (retired), 21 years
Tony J. Cooper, human services & restorative justice, Navy, 20 years
Cadence J. Copson, pre-nursing, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, three years (currently serving)
Mike A. Cruz, heating, ventilation & air conditioning engineering technology; Marine Corps, six years
Cody R. Englehart, human services & restorative justice; Marine Corps, four years
Marley Gresh, nursing, active-duty Army, four years
Sean W. Groff, welding technology, Army Reserve (currently serving)
Jessica L. Kinley, landscape/plant production technology; Army National Guard, seven years
Robert A. Luna, health science, Marine Corps
Rebeccah Woodrow, emergency management & homeland security; 12 years’ active duty, Air Force


Steven J. Chappell, forest technology; Air Force, 1973-77
Troy L. Confer, heating, ventilation & air conditioning technology; Navy, 5½ years
Richard L. Fetter, business management; Army
Daniel W. Fox, dental hygiene; Coast Guard, 1969-75
Jeffrey A. Galgon, civil engineering technology; active-duty Army, 1986-91, and Army Reserve, 1991-94
Ray A. Gantz, tool design technology; Army, 1969-71 (including a 14-month tour of duty in Vietnam)
Ernest J. Irvin, business management and accounting; Air Force and Army Reserve
Christopher P. Kohan, civil engineering technology; Navy, 1988-92
Megan Jacobs, aviation maintenance technology; Marine Corps (First Marine Aircraft Wing), 1996-2001, and Pennsylvania Army National Guard, 2001-07 (attaining the rank of sergeant in both)
John C. Lauchle, accounting; Army, 1970-73
Todd C. Lupold, health arts/paramedic and physician assistant studies; 22 years, Pennsylvania Army National Guard (including two combat deployments to the Persian Gulf)
James A. Martinez, toolmaking technology and manufacturing engineering technology; Marine Corps, 23 years
John E. Pettingill, business; Air Force, four years
Neil A. Phillips; Air Force, eight years
Dennis S. Renoll, printing/graphic arts; Air Force, 1970-74
Theodore P. Stake III, health information technology and health information management; Army, 10 years
Charles M. Stankye IV, residential construction technology and management: building construction technology concentration; five years, active-duty Navy Seabees (currently serving)
Thomas A. Zimmerman, liberal arts (also a psychology faculty retiree with emeritus status); 30 years, Navy Reserve


John F. Chappo, Army, 1986-90 (82nd Airborne Division)
John M. Good III, Army, five years
Craig D. Hostrander, Coast Guard, seven years
Jack J. Jones, active-duty Air Force, four years
Joe Loehr, Air Force, 1968-72
Jose M. Perez Jr., Army, 1990-99
Robert P. Rook, Navy, 23 years’ active duty
Clark D. Sarge, Navy, 1994-2001
Keith N. Stefanowicz, Air Force, three years
Robert K. Vlacich, Army, 1997-2000


David A. Bates, Navy
Chet Beaver, Army, 25  years
Ron H. Beck, Marine Corps, 1980-84; Pennsylvania Army National Guard, 1984-2001
Justin W. Beishline, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, seven years
Danna M. Brooks, Air Force, four years
Katie C. Burke, Army National Guard, nine years
Randall K. Curry, Air Force, 1979-89
Chris S. Frey Sr., Air Force, three years
Thomas W. Fry, Marine Corps, eight years
Scott A. Geist, Navy, 21 years
Geoff B. Hensley, Navy, six years
Lynn C. Knower, Navy, 1976-84
Nate J. Lavallee, Army and Pennsylvania Army National Guard, 1995-2005
Johnny S. Marnell, Army, 1981-96
Patrick Marty, regular Army, 1991-95
Valerie A. Myers, Army Reserve, eight years
John A. Nappi,  Army, four years’ active duty (including combat-theater service in Desert Storm/Desert Shield)
David A. Phillips, Air Force, six years
Timothy O. Rissel, Navy, 2003-11
Heather M. Shuey, Army, 12 years
Walter J. Shultz Jr., Navy, 1993-99
Rebecca A. Steer, Army, 17 years (active duty and reserve)
Kimberly Venti, Air Force, four years

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The above lists, which only account for a small fraction of the proud Wildcats with military experience, were compiled from responses to email messages sent campuswide and shared with graduates of Penn College and its predecessor institutions. )