Penn College News

College amplifies fight against domestic abuse on 'Purple Thursday'

Friday, October 20, 2023

A candlelight vigil at a campus landmark prompted such supportive comments as, "You are stronger than you think," "Believe the victim even if her abuser is in a position of power" and "You're not trapped." (Photo by Conor P. Fry, student photographer)
A candlelight vigil at a campus landmark prompted such supportive comments as, "You are stronger than you think," "Believe the victim even if her abuser is in a position of power" and "You're not trapped." (Photo by Conor P. Fry, student photographer)

Penn College observed "Purple Thursday" this week, honoring October's designation as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The campus community was encouraged by the Office of Student Engagement to advocate for survivors by wearing purple clothing and/or ribbons and by sharing messages of hope through a vigil at "The Rock." A table inside the Bush Campus Center provided resources, including information on recognizing and reporting domestic violence.

Ribbons, candles, stickers and purple Hershey Kisses join vital information on a CC display table.
Ribbons, candles, stickers and purple Hershey Kisses join vital information on a CC display table.