Penn College News

'Wildcat Wars' won by slimmest of margins

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Photos by Conor P. Fry, student photographer

Spanning UPMC Field, prepped for the skirmishes to come.
Spanning UPMC Field, prepped for the skirmishes to come.

Student teams gave it their all during Wildcat Wars, a grueling and gladiatorial contest of wills and wiles, that was decided in a Friday night squeaker.

Claiming overall honors and an ice cream social – by one point, no less – was the squad from CDJ (Clinton, Delaware and Juniata halls), with Lancaster/York halls finishing an oh-so-close second. Dauphin Hall placed third, followed by the team of upper-class and off-campus combatants.

About 300 students took part in the energetic competition, a Penn College tradition for nearly a decade.