Penn College News

Student volunteers on hand as survivor shares message of hope

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

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Human Services and Restorative Justice Club members garnered rave reviews for their volunteer assistance at Tuesday's free lecture by mental health advocate Kevin Hines.
Human Services and Restorative Justice Club members garnered rave reviews for their volunteer assistance at Tuesday's free lecture by mental health advocate Kevin Hines.

As another testament to Penn College students' willingness to be of hands-on service to the community, nine members of the Human Services & Restorative Justice Club volunteered to help with Tuesday night's appearance of Kevin Hines at the Community Arts Center.

Hines, a mental health advocate who attempted to take his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge as a teenager, is one of only 34 people to survive the fall. He shared his story in an event hosted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Northcentral Pennsylvania and sponsored by the Doherty and Kelley families for National Suicide Prevention Week.

"The students helped to welcome and seat over 1,000 patrons this evening. Each and every one of them were incredibly professional, well-spoken and kind to the attendees," said Krista E. Snyder, Penn College's admissions counselor for transfer and adult students – and an active NAMI volunteer. "All the NAMI board members said they would welcome the students back anytime, and were extremely grateful for their willingness to help."

Snyder (center) and Hines are joined backstage by Krystle J. Richardson, HSJ Club president. Richardson, set to receive a bachelor's degree in human services & restorative justice at December commencement, also accompanied Snyder onto the CAC stage to present flowers to the sponsoring families.
Snyder (center) and Hines are joined backstage by Krystle J. Richardson, HSJ Club president. Richardson, set to receive a bachelor's degree in human services & restorative justice at December commencement, also accompanied Snyder onto the CAC stage to present flowers to the sponsoring families.