Penn College News

Brewing degree lays foundation for career success

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Meet the talented brewers behind some of America's most popular craft beers. Learn how these Penn College graduates made names for themselves at Victory Brewing Co., Sixpoint Brewery and Sly Fox Brewing Co. This 3½-minute YouTube video lets you explore their day-to-day operations, see how hands-on preparation got them to where they are today and picture yourself pursuing a similarly rewarding career in this rapidly growing field.

"I think having that experience of critical problem-solving really set me apart when I first got into the industry, helped me get to where I am today," says 2019 brewing & fermentation science grad Christopher P. Good, innovation manager for Victory and Sixpoint. "A lot of what we learn at Penn College is not just the physical aspects of brewing, but the kind of logic behind why you make certain decisions and how those decisions will affect the final outcome. So having that, starting out in my career, was invaluable."