Penn College News

Alumni again tackle NYC's 'Tunnel to Towers' benefit climb

Monday, June 5, 2023

Photos provided

Alumni Andrew Zimmerman ('00, landscape/nursery technology) and his mom, June Kilgus Zimmerman, ('71, liberal arts) were among 853 climbers for Sunday's ascent of the 104-story One World Trade Center that graces the Manhattan skyline.

“Team Zimmerman” raised more than $3,000 for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, which benefits families of 9/11 first responders and catastrophically injured military veterans.

Andrew finished 43rd in 21:43, his second-best result in five attempts, and June finished 671st in 40:55 – 7 minutes under her 2022 time.

“Needless to say, (daughter-in-law) Amanda and I are very proud and grateful,” said Thomas A. Zimmerman, emeritus faculty and Williamsport Area Community College alumnus ('67, liberal arts), spouse and father of the tireless pair. Zimmerman, who provided the photos, said earlier that Andrew prepares by running five or six days a week, while June follows a daily exercise routine at a local gym.