Penn College News

Co-worker connections develop in relaxed atmosphere

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Photos by Cindy Davis Meixel, writer/photo editor

Colleagues met for the first time. Some shared their “biggest wins” in recent weeks. The sweeping, casual conversation moved effortlessly, including topics like ChatGPT, campus grounds, arts engagement, grant-writing, new tools for students, off-campus housing, recruitment days and open houses. Hot coffee and cold lemonade flowed along with the conversation (not to mention salty and sweet snacks).

The Mountain Laurel Room offers a comfortable spot for informal conversation.
The Mountain Laurel Room offers a comfortable spot for informal conversation.

Academic Affairs’ Coffee & Conversation, launched for the first time during the 2022-23 academic year at Pennsylvania College of Technology, enjoyed three sessions this spring. Last month’s gathering utilized Penn’s Inn in the Bush Campus Center, and the get-together held Tuesday shifted to another venue – the Mountain Laurel Room of the Thompson Professional Development Center. With the intention of building upon collective strengths, the well-attended open forum for faculty and staff is hosted by President Michael J. Reed and Nesli Alp, vice president for academic affairs/provost.

As the one-hour event came to a close, Alp thanked those gathered for making her feel welcome and “at home” at Penn College during her first year in her new role. She said she hopes Coffee & Conversation will continue in the coming academic year. 

Alp enjoys chatting with Chip D. Baumgardner, associate professor of business administration/management.
Alp enjoys chatting with Chip D. Baumgardner, associate professor of business administration/management.
The provost and the president engage in the far-ranging discussion, an opportunity for faculty and staff to ask a wide variety of questions.
The provost and the president engage in the far-ranging discussion, an opportunity for faculty and staff to ask a wide variety of questions.
Thomas E. Ask, professor of industrial design, questions and converses.
Thomas E. Ask, professor of industrial design, questions and converses.
Reed addresses comments with equal parts candor and humor.
Reed addresses comments with equal parts candor and humor.
A photo op to document those matching outfits! Victoria Hurwitz, director of physical therapist assistant, savors a memory with Alp.
A photo op to document those matching outfits! Victoria Hurwitz, director of physical therapist assistant, savors a memory with Alp.