Penn College News

‘Capitol’ investment: Auditor general makes recruitment visit to Penn College

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Photos by Cindy Davis Meixel, writer/photo editor

Pennsylvania Auditor General Timothy L. DeFoor, the commonwealth’s chief fiscal watchdog, traveled to main campus on Thursday in hopes of filling paid internships and other positions from within Penn College’s business and information technology programs. The cabinet official was joined by several members of his staff, as well as an award-winning 2004 graduate, in a visit that included a tour and interaction with two classes: Finance with Roy A. Fletcher, assistant professor of business administration, banking and finance assistant; and Accounting Information Systems with Bob M. Nolan, instructor of business administration, accounting and finance.

DeFoor addresses Nolan’s ACC285 class.
DeFoor addresses Nolan’s ACC285 class.
A Penn College alumnus also traveled from Harrisburg to join in the visit, and he caught up with one of his favorite former professors: Clinton M. Cullison, ’04, business administration: marketing concentration, partner at Greenlee Partners, and Steven J. Moff, professor of management & marketing. Cullison was honored in 2019 with the college’s Distinguished Alumni Award.
A Penn College alumnus also traveled from Harrisburg to join in the visit, and he caught up with one of his favorite former professors: Clinton M. Cullison, ’04, business administration: marketing concentration, partner at Greenlee Partners, and Steven J. Moff, professor of management & marketing. Cullison was honored in 2019 with the college’s Distinguished Alumni Award.
Santos shares the opportunities with students in Fletcher’s FIN250 class.
Santos shares the opportunities with students in Fletcher’s FIN250 class.
Santos makes his case in Penn College’s modern business labs. Standing (from left) are Kline, Walton, Hershey and DeFoor; Nolan (in green shirt) is seated in front of Hershey.
Santos makes his case in Penn College’s modern business labs. Standing (from left) are Kline, Walton, Hershey and DeFoor; Nolan (in green shirt) is seated in front of Hershey.
Matthew V. Fioretti, a senior in accounting from South Williamsport, listens intently.
Matthew V. Fioretti, a senior in accounting from South Williamsport, listens intently.
The entourage, led by Kline and Walton, departs the ATHS after a successful visit. Santos is rolling his case of recruitment materials; Ernst is at right.

“We’re looking for innovators and critical thinkers,” DeFoor said, inviting students to take advantage of his open-door philosophy (as some have) if they’re ever in Harrisburg. “My role is to serve you.”

Among others making the trip were Gabrielle Alberigi Ernst, deputy communications director; John Hershey, legislative affairs director; and Francisco “Frank” A Santos Jr., recruitment program manager-workforce development.

The college was represented by President Michael J. Reed; Loni N. Kline, senior vice president for college relations/chief philanthropy officer; Patrick Marty, chief government and international relations officer; and Brian D. Walton, assistant dean of business and hospitality. Assisting Santos with a recruitment table in the Breuder Advanced Technology & Health Sciences Center was Angela D. Lowe, Career Services’ industry programming coordinator.