Penn College News

An Open House to close the deal!

Friday, January 27, 2023

In a room warmly enhanced by Wildcat blue uplighting, admissions counselor Michele R. Alexander addresses a full house from the Klump Academic Center Auditorium stage.Presidential Student Ambassador Eryn L. Nichols is among the friendly faces welcoming potential students and their families to campus. Hailing from the Bradford County community of Rome, Nichols is a junior in business administration.A snow-free, sometimes-sunny, sometimes-cloudy, January Friday offers ample opportunity for campus exploration, including for this line heading into Lycoming Engines Metal Trades Center.Penn College welcomed more than 500 guests – including about 220 prospective students – for Friday's first Open House of Spring 2023.

Following a schedule that comprised equal parts structure and flexibility, visitors attended a presentation by the Admissions Office and toured up to two academic labs.

Admissions counselor Joey A. Worth shares "The Penn College Experience."Joining in the excitement of the day are plastics & polymer engineering technology students Ben David Burns (left), of Northumberland, and Zachary J. Geffre, of Williamsport.On the second floor of the Breuder Advanced Technology & Health Sciences Center’s atrium, Daniel W. Yoas (speaking in background, center left) and Stephen R. Cheskiewicz (background, center right), associate professors of computer information technology, offer introductory remarks before leading their interested crowd into the IT domain.Among many other comprehensive opportunities, they were afforded chances to meet with Financial Aid staff, grab a bite, learn about Student Engagement programming, and get acquainted with the LEAP Center.

Registration is open for the semester's remaining Open House dates: Saturday, Feb. 25; Friday, March 17; Sunday, March 26; Friday, April 14; and Saturday, April 29.